Ok, everyone, ready for a day in the life? ;)

Mike: I ain't too sure about this. :p

Peter: Michael, I'm sure everything will be fine! :)

Micky: Sure! :)

Davy: Why not, mates.

(We open in the Pad, the day after the girls moved in. Emma is in front of the stove in fringed jean shorts and a yellow t-shirt, frying eggs and sausage and vegetables and throwing together and mixing something in a bowl.)

Emma: (Sings along with the radio going softly in the background) "And oh what a change there'll be, the world will see, a new Georgy Girl..." (She pulls out a pan) This will be such a nice surprise!

(Peter comes out first in his orange footie pajamas and nightcap. He blushes a bit before smiling at Emma.)

Peter: Hi, Em. What're you doing up this early?

Emma: Oh, I'm a morning person. I'm just used to it. (Snickers) It was the only time of day I could get any peace and quiet when I lived with my family! ;)

Peter: What are you making, Em? (Sniffs) That smells good!

Emma: I'm making a special big breakfast for everyone to celebrate our moving. You guys look like you haven't eaten in ages!

Peter: That's not true! We...um...we had SOMETHING at Nyles' surfing party the other day...

Emma: From what you guys said about Nyles, I'm not going to ask what "something" is.

*There's sudden noise from the second floor. Micky stumbles down the stairs, sniffing the air.*

Micky: *half asleep* Food...smell food...

Emma: At least someone appreciates good cooking!

Peter: You smelled the sausage, didn't you, Mick?

*Micky slides into a chair at the table and props his head up, grinning.*

Micky: Gimme, please!

Emma: Such manners! (She smiles, though) I'll overlook it because of the early hour. (She hands Micky a plate of eggs and bacon; she gives Peter vegetables)

*Micky dives in, looking reminiscent of the Tasmanian Devil.*

Emma: Do you want... (She stops and watches Micky, her eyes wide, a metal teapot in her right hand)

Peter: Don't mind him, Emma. That's how he always eats.

Emma: I didn't know that was humanly possible.

*Micky finishes and pushes the plate away. He smiles tiredly.*

Micky: Good food.

Emma: Um, thank you!

Davy: *emerges next, rubbing an eye with a palm* Don't mind 'im, Emma. 'E ain't awake yet. This are the best mannahs you're gonna see outta 'im evah.

Emma: Good morning, Davy. (Smiles) What do you boys want, tea or coffee?

Peter: Green tea, please. It's in the Animal Crackers tin.

Davy: I'll 'ave tea as well, thanks.

Micky: Coffee...strong...lots of it...thank you.

Emma: I'll make myself some tea. (Pulls out four cups and fills them with the requested beverages)

Davy: *puts a hand on Micky's shoulder* Mick, 'ow long were you up working with your chemistry set last night?

Emma: Chemistry set?

Micky: Uhhhhhh... *counts on his fingers* What was the question?

Peter: You were working on the chemistry set, weren't you? I heard the explosion.

Emma: Explosion?

Micky: Oh, yeah, I was. *grins tiredly again* I cleaned up the mess.

Davy: *shakes his head; to Emma* Mick likes doing experiments with 'is chemistry set. ‘E ‘as a tendency to make explosions.

Emma: Where, how often, and how much damage?

Davy: 'Ere. Whenevah 'e feels the urge. It diffahs.

Lauren: *emerges next, rubbing both eyes* How's anyone supposed to sleep with all the yapping going on out here?

*Micky grins, barely keeping his eyes open.*

Emma: Hi, sweetie. Eggs, sausage, and tea?

Lauren: Tea. I'm not awake enough to eat yet.

*Micky's eyes widen a bit. 'Not hungry enough?'*

Davy: *slight grin* Looks like you aren't much of a morning person eithah, Lauren.

Lauren: *shakes her head* Nope.

Emma: You'll be hungry enough when I finish my surprise, I'm sure. (She hands Lauren her tea)

Lauren: Thanks, Em.

Davy: A suhprise?

Emma: (Pours what she was mixing into the pan) I'm making you guys something extra special to celebrate our first day here.

Micky: Is it edible?

Davy: *rolls his eyes, chuckling* Micky, would you wake up already, mate? *pats his cheek a few times* ;

Micky: *eventually makes a face; his cheek is pink when Davy stops patting it* Get offa me, Dave. I'm awake now. I hate it when you guys pick on me about the chemistry set when I'm not awake enough to defend myself.

Emma: Yes, Mick, it's edible. (Chuckles and puts the pan into the stove) Where's Mike?

Micky: Still sleeping. He's as much of a morning person as I am, but I smelled food. Otherwise I'd still be sleeping, too.

Emma: (Sighs) Would it be possible to wake him up? We really need to discuss living arrangements. Our boxes are everywhere, and we can't keep sleeping in the living room.

Micky: *makes a face* WAKE him? That's like risking life and limb. *shakes his head* No way. I'm not doing it!

Peter: I'll do it. (He heads upstairs)

Emma: He's that bad, huh?

Davy: Mick put it nicely.

Mike: (Groan from upstairs) No. Ain't goin'.

(A few seconds later, we see Peter drag Mike downstairs. Mike wears the bottoms of his navy pajamas...and nothing else. Emma blushes and returns to her eggs.)

Micky: *grins* He dressed for breakfast.

*Davy snorts.*

Mike: What? (He reaches for a chair...but ends up on the floor before he realizes there isn't one)

Emma: (Turns around to Mike in surprise) Oh, are you ok?

(Mike just pulls away and stomps to the living room, where he plops on the psychiatrist's couch.)

Emma: (Makes a face) Well, I never!

Micky: I told you he was worse than me.

Davy: *nods* Yeah, Mick, at least you turn extra polite. Mike just gets even grumpiah than usual.

Lauren: Maybe we should just finish breakfast and discuss a little later when everyone's awake.

Emma: Fine. (Turns to Mike) Do you want coffee or tea?

Mike: Coffee.

Emma: Eggs and sausage?

Mike: Whatever.

Emma: How about more than one word per sentence?

Micky: *mutters* Duck and cover.

(Mike narrows his eyes and leans back, crossing his arms. Emma just glares back.)

(We cut out with the two of them glaring to a bit later. Mike comes down the stairs dressed. Peter is working on a song on his bass.)

*Davy works at his nails with a file.*

(Emma is in the kitchen, putting away more pots and pans and food.)

*Lauren comes in from the veranda. Micky follows.*

Micky: Lauren, I'm sorry, I didn't know it would do that!

Mike: Mick, what did you do?

Lauren: Excuse me, Em, I need the sink for a minute. *grabs a couple paper towels and mops at herself*

Micky: *sighs* I was trying an experiment, and it sorta blew up and sprayed Lauren.

Lauren: I'm just glad my skin isn't tingling.

Davy: *grins at Micky* Real nice, mate. Way to snag a bird. *laughs* ;)

Lauren: *blinks; repeats* "Snag a bird?"

Micky: Davy...

Emma: (Climbs down from the counter, where she'd climbed to put some boxes away) Sprayed what? Lauren, are you ok?

Lauren: I'm fine, really, just a little disgusted.

Micky: It was harmless!

Davy: We don't let 'im keep anything to dangahrous, for obvious reasons.

Mike: Look guys, Em's right. We do need to talk, now that we're all coherent and awake.

Emma: And how about talking and eating at the same time? (She puts oven mitts on and pulls her pan out of the oven) How about some cinnamon streusel coffee cake?

Micky: *eyes widen; grins; sniffs noisily* Oh, man, that smells WONDERFUL!

Lauren: *smiles* That does smell really good, Em.

Davy: Everybody else get some before Mick does.

Micky: Ha ha, Dave.

Emma: Let ME cut it. (She cuts it into pieces that are as equal in size as she can make them and hands them out)

Lauren: Thanks, Em!

Emma: You're welcome. Less fighting that way.

Davy: Why didn't we evah figure that out?

Emma: You needed the woman's touch.

Mike: Please.

Micky: Mike...

Mike: All right. We gotta think of what to do with you girls, and how to explain you to our land lord. Do you work?

Emma: I work in a grocery store downtown.

Lauren: I'm a bank teller.

Mike: Regular paychecks?

Emma: (Sighs) Bad hours, worse customers, and I hate the job, but yes, regular paychecks.

Lauren: *shrugs* Yes, but not the best pay.

Micky: See that, Mike? They probably make more money than we do!

Mike: Then you're both doin' better than us. We ain't had regular jobs since the answering service we were workin' for went belly-up after the owner decided she liked Jamaica and retired.

Emma: (Raises her eyebrows) I'm surprised. I heard you play at the Vincent Van Go-Go. You're good. You have real talent, more than most of the other groups I've heard around here.

Mike: Talent's all well and fine, but we ain't had the easiest time gettin' noticed.

Micky: Not to mention we have some of the worst luck ever.

Peter: I wonder if we should warn them?

Emma: Warn us?

Mike: We're weirdness magnets.

Micky: MAJOR weirdness magnets. *rolls his eyes*

Lauren: What exactly do you guys mean by that?

Mike: Two days before we met you girls, we sent an alien home.

Lauren: Alien?

Emma: (Eyebrows raise further) Oh really?

Mike: I know it sounds crazy, but...it happened.

Lauren: What else has happened?

Micky: It'd be a shorter list to tell you what HASN'T happened to us.

Lauren: *nods* I'll take your word for it.

Peter: The devil sold me a harp and tried to take my soul!

Mike: That wasn't fun.

Emma: The WHAT?

Lauren: No way...

Mike: I didn't believe it myself at first, until I read the contract.

Micky: Let’s see. There's a gangster in jail that looks just like me.

Davy: The Prince that looks like me.

Peter: And a Druvanian dancer who looks like ME!

Mike: No, we ain't run into any doubles of me yet, far as I know.

Emma: (Mutters) Thank goodness. I can barely handle one of you. :

Mike: Trust me, we could be here all day listin' all the crazy shit that's happened to us.

Micky: *he's been moving slightly closer to Lauren every so often* If we ever have a free week, we'll rattle off the rest of the weirdness.

Emma: Are you guys sure you're just a rock group? This is starting to sound like a comic book or the Beatles cartoon!

Davy: Well, we 'ave been supah'eroes on occasion...

Micky: Dave...

Mike: (Smacks Davy) He's talkin' 'bout the time Micky talked us into goin' as the Fantastic Four for a Halloween party.

Micky: Those were good costumes! *he's almost right next to Lauren now*

(Suddenly, we hear a knock on the door, a very, very loud one.)

Loud Voice: Open up, you guys!

Emma: What is that?

*Micky rolls his eyes, making a face. He leans back against the counter.*

Micky: That would be our landlord.

Peter: Oh no.

Davy: I sweah Babbitt's the only person on earth loudah than Mick.

Mike: I'll get rid of him. (Opens the door; Babbit is in his usual shirtsleeves, without the vest) Hello, Mr. Babbitt. How are you today?

Babbitt: Ok, where's the rent?

Mike: Where it usually is?

Babbitt: It SHOULD be in my hand and in the bank!

Emma: What's this all about? (Joins Mike at the door)

Babbitt: (Smirks) Well hello there, young lady. Nesmith, you didn't tell me you had such attractive visitors.

Emma: I'm not visiting. I live here. (Points at Lauren) She does, too.

*Lauren nods.*

Babbitt: Now wait a minute. The lease says four BOYS, and these idiots are bad enough. I don't need some cute little dames...

Lauren: Cute?!

(Emma goes into the living room and digs through a box. She pulls out a bright purse trimmed with black fuzzy balls and pulls out a wad of money, which she hands to Babbitt)

Emma: Will this be enough for our first month's rent, Mr. Babbitt?

Babbitt: (Takes the wad of cash, counts it, and grins) Pleasure doing business with you ladies. It's nice to have you living here. If you need anything, I'm just down the street. The boys will tell you the house rules. Have a nice day! (He walks off, grinning and counting his cash)

Emma: (Turns to Mike and makes a face) What a jerk!

Mike: Tell me about it.

Emma: What's this about the rent?

Mike: We're a little behind.

Emma: How much?

Davy: Since January...

Micky: Of last year.

Lauren: *her jaw drops* You're THAT far behind?

Emma: How often do you guys get gigs?

Mike: That Vincent Van Go-Go gig you saw us at was the first one we've had in over a month.

Peter: Gee, it seems more like five weeks!

Davy: Petah...

Emma: And YOU were asking US about when WE get paid! Have you ever paid your rent?

Mike: We paid more regularly when we were workin' at the answerin' place.

Emma: You're damn lucky Babbitt hasn't had you arrested!

Mike: We HAVE almost gotten thrown out a couple of times.

Micky: *shrugs* But Babbitt's also said he doesn't think he'd ever be able to rent this place to anyone else anyway.

Mike: We had an older lady livin' with us once. She married a guy down the street. You'll probably meet her. She still comes around to chat and dole out cheesecake every now and then. Nice lady, but it just didn't work out.

Peter: We haven't had anyone living here since then.

Davy: Besides, Mick would scare 'em away.

(Emma and Mike snort.)

Micky: *dull glare* Real cute there, Dave.

Davy: Wot? I tell it like it is, mate. ;)

Micky: Yeah? Well, I got something to tell you, MATE! *goes for Davy, who leaves his chair, running away from Micky and around the room* Come back here you Brit runt!

Mike: Guys! (He starts for them, but Emma goes to her cinnamon cake pan and smiles)

Emma: Well, look at this. There's two slices of cinnamon streusel coffee cake left. I wonder whom I should give them to?

Micky: *stops cold* Cake... *glances at Davy* chasing Davy... *takes a few steps towards Davy* ...cake... *turns for the kitchen* Davy... *glares at Davy again; he starts looking between the two*

Emma: I think I should give them to Lauren and Mike, or maybe Peter. THEY aren't chasing each other around, behaving like children.

Mike: Em, what are you doin'?

Emma: Settling a dispute, Mike.

*Micky chews his lip, trying to decide. He finally goes to Emma. If one squinted hard enough, a halo could be seen over his head. He smiles.*

Micky: Can I have more cake? I'll leave Dave alone.

(Mike rolls his eyes.)

Emma: (Hands Micky a piece) Only if Davy gets the other piece. That's called "sharing," and we need to learn how to do more of it in this household.

Micky: Thank you! :)

Davy: *accepts his piece* Thanks for saving my neck.

Emma: (Sighs) Anytime, Dave. But you know, you really were acting like children. How old are all of you?

Mike: Twenty four.

Peter: Just turned twenty five last month.

Micky: *grins* I just turned 23 last week.

Davy: And I'm twenty-two.

Mike: So?

Emma: You weren't acting like it five minutes ago.

Mike: They’re usually worse.

Davy: You should see when 'e actually catches me.

*Micky sticks his tongue out at Davy.*

Emma: We need to get organized. First thing on the agenda is finding a place for Lauren and me to sleep. We are not using your living room as a bed room.

Mike: Well, we could all move upstairs again, and you girls could have the bottom bedroom...

Davy: Mike, please, no... *glances at Micky*

Micky: What about the basement?

Emma: There's a basement?

Mike: (Nods) Yeah. We don't really use it for much. We mostly just have junk an' Mick's chemistry set down there.

Emma: That'll do, if you can find somewhere else to put the junk.

Davy: We'll stuff it all in Mick's closet. *ducks Micky's swat*

Micky: *ignores Davy* It's finished down there, so it isn't too ugly looking or creepy.

Davy: Nah, only if 'e's down there, too.

Micky: Dave...

(Mike snorts. Emma giggles. Peter doubles over laughing.)

Lauren: *puts a hand on Micky's chest to hold him back* Would you two knock it off?

*Micky grins stupidly. She's touching him! Davy snorts, seeing the look on Micky's face. Lauren glances at him and realizes what she’s doing. She moves her hand and folds her arms, blushing a bit.*

(Emma grins. Mike whistles.)

Davy: Oh, come on. You two were kissing out on the veranda last night!

Lauren: *eyes widen* Wha...

Micky: Davy, you are so dead...

Davy: What? ;)

Mike: Ain't we all romantic?

Emma: Enough, guys. Why don't we get to planning our new room?

Lauren: *frowning* Please!

Mike: We'll get started today. You girls can camp downstairs and we'll sleep upstairs until we finish.

Micky: *goes to the closet; emerges with a tool box* I'm ready!

Emma: Someone comes prepared.

Mike: Mick likes to think of himself as our handyman, usually 'cause we can't get Babbitt to do the job.

Emma: You do know what you're doing, right?

Micky: Of course I do! I did study architecture in college... *shrugs* until I dropped out.

Davy: So lets go prove that you can do something RIGHT, 'eh, Mick?

Micky: Yeah, yeah...

Mike: I dropped out, too.

Peter: So did I. (Mutters) Twice.

Mike: (Turns to Davy) And you're one to talk, Dave. You never even finished high school.

Davy: I meant in relation to 'is chemistry set.

Lauren: Guys, we'll pry all this out of you later. Can we go work on the room?

Mike: Fine.

Micky: I was about to.

Davy: *puts both hands on Micky's back* Go then, Mick!

Micky: Don't push me down the stairs, Dave!

*Micky and Davy head down first, now laughing.*

Lauren: What's up with those two?

Emma: I didn't know I was moving into a family with children.

Mike: They're just kinda competitive.

Lauren: Kinda...

Peter: They like to horse around. Nothing damaging.

Mike: Most of the time.

Lauren: I get the feeling we should follow and make sure things remain undamaging.

Mike: Let's go. I'd like to HAVE a basement LEFT after this.

(And we go into the early version of "I'll Be Back Up On My Feet" as the others join Mick downstairs.)

*Micky directs traffic, but with everyone in the room together, he keeps getting knocked around. He eventually ends up hitting the wall, causing a neon "Tilt!" to light above his head.*

(Emma shakes her head as Mike and Peter help Micky to his feet. They need to hand out roles and figure out what everyone can do, then do it without hurting each other in the limited space.)

*Micky and Davy each bring in a can of paint, brushes, and drop cloths. They hand out brushes.*

(Emma hands the tools back to Micky. She directs Davy and Peter to move out junk and furniture. Micky needs to find a place for his chemistry set. She and Lauren will paint; the boys can join them later.)

*Micky packs up his chemistry set. He's about to pick it up when Lauren bumps into him, accidentally brushing a streak of paint on his cheek. He grins widely and drags a finger along the wet paint on his face, then traces the same finger on Lauren's face, giving HER some of her paint back.*

(Emma grins and "accidentally" bumps Mike, who brings a box upstairs, and brushes paint on the seat of his jeans - bright red paint. He doesn't notice.)

*Davy accidentally breaks up Micky and Lauren sharing the paint with his face. Micky laughs, while Lauren apologizes to Davy for getting paint on him.*

(Mike returns to get more boxes. He turns to Peter to see if he can help...revealing his red rear to the room.)

*Micky and Davy laugh.*

(Mike looks over his shoulder to ask the two what's so funny.)

*Micky and Davy point to each other, acting innocent.*

(Mike just rolls his eyes and goes upstairs.)

(Gradually, we see the room become more like a room and less like a basement. Emma directs Micky and Davy in bringing down some furniture, including slightly ratty mattresses, desks, and bed frames.)

*Micky sprawls himself on one of the beds. Those things were heavy!*

(Peter brings down a table with three wobbly legs. Mike brings a stack of wooden crates.)

*Lauren walks by the bed, shaking her head. Micky grabs her hand and pulls her down next to him, laughing. She swats at him and gets up, sticking her tongue out at him.*

*Davy laughs.*

(Emma grins at them as she hangs posters for "Flash Gordon Conquers The Universe" and "The Women.")

(Mike rolls his eyes and starts hanging Lauren's posters of wrestlers and TV show personalities on the next wall.)

*Lauren pulls out a Beatles poster. Micky's jaw drops. Lauren shrugs.*

(Mike makes a face, but Emma takes his darts away.)

*Micky disappears upstairs, then returns moments later. He adds one more picture to the wall...a framed photo of himself. Lauren shakes her head, grinning.*

(Emma proudly hangs her "Let It Be" album cover under Flash Gordon. The record got too scratched to listen to, but that's no reason to get rid of such lovely faces.)

(All six stand back as the music ends to admire their handiwork. The small room is filled with pictures of wrestlers and celebrities, movie posters, crates of books and records, a small record player and radio, and two wobbly desks on either side. One desk holds a typewriter and notebook and pens.)

Emma: Not bad. And it only took us two months.

Mike: Yeah. (Looks at Emma) Can we have our rooms back now?

Emma: What, don't enjoy communal living?

Davy: No.

Mike: I like bein' close to these guys, but not THAT close.

Peter: They're like my brothers, but we all need space, or we drive each other insane.

Micky: I cannot stand sharing a room with him. *points at Davy*

Davy: I don’t like it any bettah with the 'uman buzzsaw 'o 'as so much 'air stuff 'e could open 'is own barbah shop.

Micky: *shakes his fist* Got a parting gift for you, Dave.

Mike: And now you know why we can share a lot of things, but a room ain't one of them. (Gets between the two, but Emma grins again)

Emma: You know, was thinking of making my Chocolate Cherry Cola Cake for a special homecoming treat for after dinner...but only if certain people behave themselves.

Mike: Ahem.

Peter: Oooh!

Micky: Chocolate...cherry...cola...cake!

Davy: Food always seems to sooth the savage beast, namely 'im. *jerks a thumb at Micky*

Lauren: *grins* Hey, whatever works.

Emma: Precisely. (She turns to go upstairs) Come on, I'll get dinner on the stove. We'll have chicken and dumplings, carrots with honey glaze, and home-made applesauce.

Mike: (Grins and rushes for the steps) Well, what are we waitin' for?

Davy: Me next! *runs up*

Peter: Honey glazed carrots? I'm already there! (He follows)

Micky: *slings an arm around Lauren's shoulders* What're ya waiting for, Babe? Let’s get the food! *takes her hand and pulls her upstairs as she laughs*