Part 7 fellas ready for more battles?

Mike: Damn straight. (Looks at the broken sword) Though I'd STILL like to know how the hell I'm supposed to fight with that broken thing...

Micky: I'm ready to pass out. *slumps against the bars, but he's grinning* ;-)

Peter: Micky, you were BRILLIANT! And I'm ready, too!

Micky: Aw... *waves it off*

Davy: (Makes a face) I don't think I've got much of a choice in the mattah, luv.

(Davy stands in the center of the arena area, trying to compose himself, hand on the hilt of his sword. Peter supports Micky, who pants from his battle, while Mike, his wrists still bound together, watches intently.)

Zero: I give your our next two challengers, David Thomas Jones versus Lord David of Rose Heights Manor!

(Davy whips around to see the arrival of a very deep blue light and the increasingly less faint outline of his ancestor. Like Davy, he is short and delicate-featured, with dark, thick hair even longer than his in mid-1966, but his eyes are cold and his beautiful features devoid of compassion.)

Davy: Nice entrance, mate. *small grin*

Lord David: (Smiles coldly) Thank you, litt'l ancestah. I always did like to please a crowd. (Draws his sword) We'll do this like gentlemen.

Davy: Of course I do. *Draws his sword* I'll get to show off me fencing skills.

Lord David: 'ope you've been practicin', mate. I've been fencin' since I could pick up the 'andle.

Davy: I've been practicin' for longah, mate. ;-)

Lord David: (Glares) You're a boastful creature. We'll see if you live up to that. (Lunges for Davy, who meets him head on - the two clash, blades whirling) You're surprisingly good, for a commoner.

Davy: You ain't too bad, yourself...for a Lord.

(The two push off. David comes at Davy again, but he ducks away. The longer-haired young man glares at him.)

Lord David: I didn't think any ancestah of mine would be a cowahd.

Davy: I'm no cowahd. I just know when to back away for a moment. *grins*

Lord David: Let's test that theory, shall we? (Lunges for Davy, who barely counters; slashes at Davy angrily) You're awfully slow, ancestah. Been spendin' too much time in taverns wit' pretty barmaids?

Davy: Wot's that got to do wit' anything? *smirks and slashes at David*

Lord David: If you're anythin' like me (pulls away and sends out another feint at Davy), you get more drunk at a pretty knee than by a pretty pint. ;)

Davy: *ducks away* Maybe I USED to. *does a feint of his own* ;-)

Lord David: (Counters, but more forcefully) You've got to be sharpah than that, ancestah! (Their steel flashes as Davy is driven across the arena, the demons hoot and hollar, and the Monkees watch in horror)

Mike: Dave, you've only been defending! Attack him!

Micky: Dave, c'mon, man!

Lord David: (Hears Mike and glares at him) I see Sir Robert's ancestah still cahn't keep 'is bloomin' trap shut.

Mike: And damn proud of it, you little prick!

(Zero smiles contentedly.)

Davy: *grins* So wot if 'e cahn't? *lunges at David, but stops short and goes for a shot at David's sword arm*

(He slices against David's arm, not enough to cause any damage, but just long enough for him to drop his sword.)

Lord David: Ouch! (Glares hot poison daggers at Davy) Why't bloody BRAT! (Slower now, he takes his sword and lunges for Davy's arms and face) Let me damage that pretty face of yours! Cahn't attract birds wit' out it!

Davy: I don't NEED to attract birds anymore! I got Daph! *moves away at the last moment and takes a swung at David's back as he goes past*

Lord David: (Davy's sword slices through his back, cutting open his shirt but not making any real damage) Daph?

Davy: *Nods* Daphne, me girlfriend.

Lord David: (Nods) I 'ad a few of those, 'till I married me Devlanta. (He frowns) I wish I knew wot 'appened to 'er. She was gonna 'ave our first child when I...went. (The two go at it again, but Lord David is noticeably slower.)

Davy: I've 'ad me share of girlfriends, but Daph's different.

Lord David: (nods and parries, but his heart is clearly not in it) I 'ave too, mate. I went through every girl of me rank in Northern England...and even a few that weren't. (Shakes his head and laughs) And the one who won me was a Polish peasant from a family of 'untahs and performahs!

Davy: *grins* The fellas rag on me all the time about all the girls I've dated, and that my litt'l black book ain't so litt'l.

Lord David: (Laughs) I used to 'ear about it from all of my friends, especially Georgi. 'Course, the way 'e and that litt't Irish girl of 'is went at it, 'e 'ad no room to talk! ;)

Davy: *grins widely* Ain't THAT the truth?! ;-)

Micky: *realizes the shot* Hey?

Mike: (Grins at Micky) Gee, Mick, your whole FAMILY is cheap shot-able! ;)

Micky: Didn't know it ran in the family. *scratches his head* ;-)

Lord David: And we used ta tease Petah and Robert 'bout bein' so shy...'till they met their own soulmates. Nice birds, too. (Lowers 'is 'ead) Wot we did to was just wrong. We fought 'im. 'E didn't undahstand and we caught 'im easily. Then we did all kinds of terrible things to 'im because 'e were so stubborn (near tears) and we were so jealous of 'im and Petah.

Davy: Mick and I did the same to Petah and Mike, teasing them. *shakes his head* You couldn't control wot you did to Robert, mate.

(Peter's eyes widen; Mike's face is indecipherable.)

*Micky just looks on.*

Lord David: They lured me too, mate. Dev and I didn't need 'elp the way Georgi did, but I was foolish. I was an actah, not a musician. Petah taught me a little mandolin and I usually played the tambourine, but I couldn't do all the things the othahs could do. It made me feel left out again, like the little boy all alone in the manah 'ouse, ignored by everyone.

Davy: *nods* Mate, I can undahstand that more than you can imagine.

Lord David: She promised me abilities and powahs beyond imaginin', enough to get Petah and Robert to notice me at last. Then she...(blushes) Devvie will kill me when she finds out wot we did that night in the Inn. (Looks at himself) If I wasn't already dead, that is. (Looks at Davy) It was like I 'ad no control ovah it.

Davy: *eyes widen* Sorry, mate... :-(

Lord David: Georgi wanted to lead. I just wanted attention. We destroyed everythin' about that poor Frenchman, and 'e just kept fightin'. (His eyes tear) When Petah came to save 'im, 'e didn't realize 'ow badly 'e'd been beaten.

Davy: *frowns* That's 'orrible.

*Micky just shakes his head, practically hanging on the bars of the cage.*

Lord David: (Puts his head in his hands and sobs) Wot 'AVE I done? Wot did WE do? Robert nevah deserved that, and 'e had tykes, too, 'im and Emmeline. And I nevah got to see me own child. I don't even know if Devvie 'ad a boy or girl, and Georgi only 'ad four bloomin' kids and one on the way! (Sobs) Oh, Devvie, wot HAVE I done?

Davy: Mate, you realize wot you did was wrong. THAT'S wot mattahs.

Lord David: (Nods, sniffling) You're right, mate. The rest is watah undah the bridge. (Sadly) I only 'ope that someday, Robert and Petah can forgive us.

Davy: *nods* I think they will.

Lord David: (Gets on his knees) You're a good fightah and a good man, David Jones. (Holds out his sword in his palms, the stops) Wait, one more thing. (Closes his eyes; a dagger appears with the rapier in a flash of blue light) Georgi forgot to give your friend this. 'E were my best friend in the world, but 'e'd forget 'is 'ead if it weren't attached to his body. ;)

Davy: *grins* Thanks, mate. *takes the weapons* I've often thought the same about Mick. ;-)

Lord David: Just gets excited. The Savage in 'im, I suppose. ;)

Davy: Litt'l TOO excited sometimes. ;-)

*Micky grins widely, leaning on the bars.*

Lord David: (Laughs as he begins to fade out in a pale blue light) Farewell, ancestah!

Davy: *softly* Farewell, mate.

(The Monkees in the cage cheer; the demons roar and spit and claw the wall.)

Zero: (Practically gritting his teeth) The winner is David Thomas Jones. The soul of his ancestor has been released and returned to his soulmate, Devlanta Porcowski of Warsaw!

(Zero waves his hand once more. Davy appears in the cage; Peter is now in the arena, looking like he's ready to cry or pass out or both.)

Mike: (Grinning ear to ear) Nice work, Dave! :D

Micky: *elbows Davy* Good job, but I'm gettin' ya back for the cheap shots. ;-)

Davy: *grins* Nothin' to it. *elbows Micky back* Why? You deserve 'em, mate. ;-)

Zero: (Indicates the arena again) And for our next challengers...Peter Halsten Thorkelson versus Peter Thork of Bavaria!

Peter: *wails* MIIIIKE!! *frowns deeply*

(There's a very, very dark green light. Peter's ancestor appears, but his features are twisted into a hateful mask that's far from the gentle hippie. His light brown eyes blaze with anger. He immediately draws an arrow on his arrival, pointing it straight at Peter.)

Bard Peter: (German accent) Now, ancestor, let me challenge YOU.

Peter: *nearly sobbing* Can't we about this instead?!

Bard Peter: (Narrows his eyes) I have a better idea. It's difficult to do combat with bows and arrows in an enclosed space. (Closes his eyes - an archery target appears in the front of the arena) We will settle this with a contest instead. The one who gets his arrow in the target three times wins his soul. (Makes a face at Peter's tears) Oh, stop it! You're acting like a baby!

*Peter nods, trying to control his tears.*

Mike: (Mutters) Oh, man, Pete's ancestor looks like he's gonna chew raw meat or somethin'.

Bard Peter: (Prods Peter) You go first, ancestor. Let's see how well you handle these.

Peter: *meekly* Okay. *lines up his shot and lets an arrow fly. It hits the bullseye dead-center*

Bard Peter: (Angrily) Lucky shot, crybaby. (Shoots his. It hits the target and splits Peter's in two)

Peter: *frowns* I like my arrows in one piece. *lines up his second arrow and splits Bard Peter's in two; small grin* This is getting fun!

Bard Peter: (Growls) It WON'T be fun when I win this and send this damn thing straight through your heart! (His anger blinds him and it misses the target by a few inches; he shouts obscure German curses)

Mike: Damn, I think he found Peter's lost temper somewhere! :o

Micky: *nods* He's got enough for BOTH of them!

Peter: *grin widens in his patented sunshine smile* I think you missed that shot. *shoots his third arrow and gets a third bullseye*

Bard Peter: (Sputters angrily) (turns the arrow on Peter and shoots at him, but it misses by a mile)

Peter: *still smiling* Meditation could really help you sort out all your anger and frustration in more peaceful terms.

Davy: Petah, be careful!

Micky: *grins, nodding* Pete knows what he's doing. ;-)

Bard Peter: Don't give me that! What good was it when I gave myself for my friend...and he was already gone? When my the people I thought were my friends LIED to me?

(Sends another arrow across the room, but it once again misses Peter.)

Peter: You thought you were doing a good thing. THAT'S what matters most. *smiles again*

Bard Peter: They hated me. They were jealous of my musical ability, all of them. I was a child, and they were always chasing after and rescuing me.

Peter: *nods, but the smile remains* I understand. They do that because they care.

Bard Peter: (Lowers his head) I wanted to help Sir Robert so badly. He was the closest friend I had. In Bavaria, I was a freak. No one understood how much music meant to me, even in my own family, but Robert did. He had no one, no family of his own. WE were his family.

(Mike just nods. Zero glares.)

Peter: *puts a hand on Bard Peter's shoulder* I understand more than you know. *smiles again* And you're NOT a freak. :-)

Bard Peter: (Also puts his hand on Peter's shoulder and nods) Yes, you do. (Sighs) I could play almost any musical instrument in Europe. I played almost everything in our band, and I wrote songs, too. Sir Robert also wrote songs, and Georgi and Lord David sometimes. (Lowers his head) I miss playing in the band. All I ever wanted was my music.

(Mike smiles and nods. Zero literally chews on nails.)

Peter: *softly* That's all I've ever wanted.

Bard Peter: (Frowns)'re very worried about your friends, and (sucks in a breath) your soulmate. (Closes his eyes) My Valerea...I sent her ahead with our son and the other women, with the kindly old man who had a cart and would take them to the boat to England. I didn't want her hurt. She wanted to come with me, but I wouldn't let her. I had to save Sir Robert myself, like he saved me time and time again. (Sobs) But I couldn' best friend, and I couldn't save him...he couldn't save me... (He starts a good, long Peter bawl) Oh, Val...Sir Robert...

Peter: *nods, tearing up* It's okay. You did what you could & what you thought was right.

Bard Peter: (Wails) Oh, God, it was so horrible. Robert was there, all bloody and bruised, and David and Georgi were taunting him, because he couldn't move anymore. They took his special sword, cut off all his hair...and he was still fighting them!

(Mike's face is once again stony. Zero glares again.)

Peter: *tears streaming, quietly* It wasn't your fault. You tried to help Robert.

Bard Peter: The Evil One said he'd release Robert if I gave her my soul, because it was beautiful and innocent. I let him do it, and then he said he wasn't going to let go of Robert at all! friend... (leans into Peter's chest and cries hard)

Peter: *also sobbing* It's okay. You didn't know what would happen.

(Mike's eyes tear, and Davy and Micky cry outright. The demons are hooting, and Zero is now eating rusty nails.)

Bard Peter: I only wish I could see him again, and tell him that I tried so hard. (He's crying so hard, he's hiccuping) And...I miss...Val...Hans, our son...

Peter: *nods, also hiccupping* You'll see 'im, I know you will!

Bard Peter: (Envelopes him in such a huge hug, Peter staggers back) Thank you, ancestor!

Peter: Thank you! *returns the hug*

Bard Peter: (Takes the quiver of arrows from his back and the bow, and gets on his knees) These are for you. You made me realize that I DID try to help Sir Robert...and that I want nothing more than to play music with him again.

Peter: *smiles through his tears, takes the arrows and bow* Thank you. You'll play music with him again, I know it! :-)

Bard Peter: (Big city-lighting grin) I know it, too! :D (He disappears in a soft blue-green light)

(The remaining Monkees cheer; Davy and Micky hug.)

Zero: (Frustrated growl) The winner is Peter Halsten Thorkelson! His ancestor's soul has been released to his soulmate, Lady Valerea of Byran Mawr House!

(Peter jumps up and down happily. Zero claps his hand; Mike is now in the arena, his hands free and alone; Peter is in his place.)

Davy: Nice shootin', Petah! :D

Micky: *hugs Peter* That was BEAUTIFUL! :-)

Peter: *returns the hug; city lightning smile* I just did my best and told him the truth! :-)

Davy: (Frowns) But...wot about Mike? Surely 'is ancestor ain't in no condition for fightin'!

Micky: *shrugs, wiping his eyes* Who knows?

Mike: (Frowns at Zero) Ok, Zero-poo, what the HELL is goin' on? (Holds up the broadsword; all that's left of its blade is a jagged edge) How do you expect me to fight with THIS?

Zero: (Laughs) You, my dear Michael, will not be fighting at all.

Davy: (Frowns) Wot?

Micky: Is that fair?

Davy: To Zero it is. :p

Micky: *makes a face* Figures.

Mike: Hey! Then why am I standin' here?

(Zero claps his hands and points. There's a soft, watery gray light, and some of the demons lead out a faint, slumping figure. They throw him into the arena, and he topples onto his knees. Mike immediately goes to him.)

Mike: Hey, are you... (He draws back in surprise. The face is his own...but scarred and bruised. The raven hair is cropped raggedly and unattractively short, and he has no sideburns at all. His white tunic and black trousers are so badly torn, they barely cover his body. He is barefoot. The brown eyes are full of the raw fear of a heavily abused animal.) Oh my GOD!

*The three Monkees still in the cage all look on wide-eyed.*

Mike: Man, they did a number on you, didn't they?

(The young man meekly nods his head.)

Mike: Hey, can you talk?

(A negative nod.)

Mike: (Makes a face) That bitch must have made Georgiano and Lord David pull the same crap on you that Micky did on triplicate. (Touches his head) Least I got to keep my hair. ;)

*Micky frowns, leaning on the cage bars again.*

(Robert sees the three Monkees in the bars and pulls back behind Mike, afraid. He points.)

Mike: Oh, man... (turns him around) Look, you've got to understand, Rob, your buddies didn't mean to do all those things to you! They were probably under the control of that bitch Shelia and her "uncle." There's GOT to be a way to get your voice back. Maybe... (He rubs his fingers on Sir Robert's throat and neck. There's a small white light; Zero roars in pure anger.)

Sir Robert: (Winces, but then nods and says with a heavy French accent) I...I can speak again. Merci, mon ancestre.

Mike: Yeah, people like takin' away my voice, too. Guess they don't like being commanded. (Shrugs)

Sir Robert: (Whimpers) I...they hated me. I thought they were mon amis...but then they brought me out to the mountains between Germany and France. They said they had something to show me.

Mike: They didn't hate you! I know Micky doesn't hate me!

*Micky nods, watching wide-eyed.*

Sir Robert: What they showed me was the sharp ends of their weapons. They...(sobs)...they both grabbed me, beat me, and brought me to some cave, where Julia and the Evil One were waiting.

Mike: (Frowns) Julia?

Sir Robert: (Eyes blaze briefly) My former amoire. She hated that I had married ma cherie Emmeline instead of her. Our relationship was not long, but long enough for Julia to develop a foolish infaturation.

Mike: Yeah, she's still got that.

Sir Robert: Mon amis...dear little Lord David, who could have any femme he chose, and humourse Georgi, always laughing and smiling. They were like mon freres. (Whimpers) Why did they hurt Pierre and me?

Mike: They didn't realize it. That bitch Julia and the guy you know as "The Evil One" was controlling them. They fed on their jealousy of you and Peter.

Sir Robert: Pierre was my closest ami. He understood my amoire de musique. We both played mandolin in the band...and he played just about everything else as well. He was so gifted.

Mike: (Grins) My Pete's the most gifted musician I know. Yeah, I write songs and can play the organ, bass, and guitar, but he can play ANYTHING you put in front of him...and write music and teach it, too.

*Peter smiles, despite the tears rolling down his cheeks.*

Sir Robert: I was angry. I fought as hard as I could. They were so strong, stronger than I'd ever seen them. (Whimpers again) The Evil One said they were going to separate me from my Emmeline for all eternity, take away my control and dignity.

Mike: (Squeezes his shoulder) Let it all out, man. Judging by your face and clothes, it must have been pretty bad.

*Micky is crying outright and leans forward against the bars. Davy cries as well, standing next to him with a hand resting on Micky's shoulder.*

Sir Robert: I was a knight in the French army. I was used to command and to harsh times. But they...cut my face, my body, saying that I would be less desirable to Emmeline that way. Georgiano and Lord David punched me and kicked me and called me terrible slurs, but I tried to fight them. I couldn't let my Emmeline take care of our children alone. (Sobbing outright) We had so little money, but we were so much in love, it didn't seem to matter so much. We lived off what the band made, playing in taverns and sometimes the homes of minor nobility, like Lord David and Lady Valerea. They...poor Pierre, he was such an innocent cheri....told him he would get me if he gave up his gentle soul. (Smiles) He was so gentle, Pierre. He would cry if he stepped on an ant hill. (Crying) He didn't know I was past saving by then. Julia lied to him. The Evil One had been after his soul for years, and he finally got what he wanted. They cut my hair and body with my own sword. The Evil One broke the blade in two, right before mine and mon cheri Pierre's eyes.

*The others are still sobbing. Peter wraps an arm around Davy and Micky.*

Sir Robert: My sword was very special to me. It was given to me by a master blademaker in Paris, and it was the most valuable object I owned.

Mike: Like my guitar, Black Beauty. (Grins) Did you take good care of it, before they broke it? The guys are always joking about how I clean her and put her in her case and get pissed if she even breaks a string. ;)

Sir Robert: (Little crooked grin) Georgi and Lord David never left me alone about it. I cleaned the blade twice a day and always polished the hilt. (Smile falls) I don't remember much after that. Julia did something to me, something to make me a slave to her, where I remained until the Evil One thought I was too much of a distraction and ordered me killed.

Mike: (He, too, has tears in his eyes - Zero's practically spitting fire) God, they put you through the ringer good. (Puts both his hands firmly on Robert's shoulders) Look, Sir Robert, you have to believe that what your friends did wasn't their choice. Julia and Ze...the Evil One tricked all of you. As for Peter...well, he did his best. (Crooked grin of his own) According to him, he got the kids and girls away safely. Think they ended up in England.

Sir Robert: (Eyes light up) Ma cheri Emmeline, she survived?

Mike: Yeah, apparently. (Grins) Did you guys fight like cats and dogs?

Sir Robert: (Nods, grinning himself) Constantly, and usually over silly little things. The others were sick of it.

*The others grin, despite continuing tears.*

Sir Robert: We were a team, us and our soulmates. I wish we could be again.

Mike: (Grins) Someday you will, ancestor.

Sir Robert: I...I know them. Georgi wouldn't hurt a fly, and Lord David had a tres mal temper, but he was usually bark and not bite. :)

*Micky and Davy exchange friendly slugs in the arms.*

Sir Robert: And Pierre...I want to play music with him again.

Mike: (Big crooked grin) He's ready, willing, and as close to able as he's going to get five hundred years after the fact. (nods) Rob, they were your friends, but Julia and Ze...the Evil One controlled them, just like they tried to control you and ended up controlling Peter.

Sir Robert: (Sadly) I only wish...I could tell them I forgive them. All of them. I miss our music.

Mike: Ancestor, you realize they had no control over what they did, and that Peter tried out of the goodness of his sweet, innocent heart...THAT'S what matters.

(Robert gets down on his knees and hands him a broken, jagged broadsword blade...the other half of the broken sword.)

Sir Robert: I salute you, mon ancestre! You have made me realize that my friends did not wish to hate me, but had been turned against their wills. I still love them with all my hearts, and my Emmeline and our children. Please, reforge this so all our souls can finally be at rest.

Mike: B...but how?

Sir Robert: Just use le imagiation!

Mike: Ok, here goes nuthin'. (Mike closes his eyes and puts together the two halves of the broken blade. There's a soft white light, and the blade is now a complete, shining broadsword.)

(Zero jumps up and down, stomps, and chews on the furniture.)

*Davy, Micky, and Peter cheer happily.*

Sir Robert: (As he fades away) Au revoir, mon ancestre. May we meet in a happier place and time someday!

Mike: (Waves as the light subsides) Yeah, man, someday...

(The four Monkees are let out of the cage and all run over to Mike, hugging him and cheering.)

Zero: (Over the din) The winner is Robert Michael Nesmith! The soul of his ancestor has been returned to his soulmate Emmeline of Red Mar Town!

Mike: (Blushes) Oh, man, guys....

Peter: (Gives Mike a HUGE hug) Mike, you were WONDERFUL!

Micky: Man, Mike... *hugs him*

Davy: Good talkin' there, Mike. ;)

Mike: Thanks, guys. Poor guy really needed the help. (Turns to Zero) We've complete our Challenge, Evil One! (Waves the broadsword at him) Return our soulmates to us, so WE can finally get some rest!

Zero: (Trying desperately to control himself) Not so fast, Nesmith! That was only the first Challenge.

Peter: (Wails) There's more?

Micky: WHAT?!

Mike: (Hands on hips) Ok, jackass, what's the second one?

Zero: You will find out soon enough. It involves your (makes a face) dearly beloved soulmates. But for now, I give you a bit of respite.

(Claps his hands. The arena and the demons vanish. The basement is now the basement of a Victorian home again.)

Zero: You have a half-hour's rest and relaxation before the next challenge. Use it wisely.

(Zero vanishes in a puff of smoke and a blast of black light. As he leaves, the door pushes open, and Mr. Bennett enters, looking royally annoyed.)

Micky: *eyes wide, mutters* Rest and relaxation, my...

Mr. Bennett: (Grins) Now, now, Micky, save that kind of language for the pool room. ;)

Peter: Mr. Bennett! You're ok!

Mike: Hey, Mr. B!

*Micky folds his arms and quietly fumes.*

Mr. Bennett: (Makes a face) When he transported all of you, he neglected to transport ME. I wandered all over this damn house looking for you kids. The basement was the only place I DIDN'T try. (Sits on the rickety stairs) My old bones could sure use a rest. (Frowns) Where's the girls? They didn't do anything...ungentlemanly to those poor things, did they?

Mike: (Clenches his sword) Bastard had Shelia take them away somewhere.

*Micky begins pacing.*

Mr. Bennett: (Narrows his eyes) I do NOT like that woman. She's even more of a danger than the man. There are times in this world when the female of the species really IS more deadly than the male. :p

Mike: (Mutters) Yeah, tell me about it.

(Four lights swirl softly into the room - white, blue, green, and red. They roam around the four boys, darting here and there, until finally, they grow into human forms.)

Lord David: (His ghostly form is surrounded by light blue light) Thank you all for everything you've done, ancestors! I commend your fine abilities! (Bows very deeply and theatrically)

Mr. Bennett: (Gasps) Oh, my GOD...I never quite believed in ghosts, but I never really DIDN'T believe in them, either...

Georgi: *stands in front of where Micky is pacing, who stops wide-eyed* You gonna wear a rut in the floor, you know. ;-)

Bard Peter: (His form is surrounded by green light, and he carries a mandolin; Georgiano's is a vivid scarlet) He's worried, Georgi! His soulmate is in trouble!

Georgi: *grins* I know. I just like to give him hard time. *Micky sticks his tongue out at him*

Davy: (Gasps) Oh, man, this is too much...


Lord David: I guess we're ghosts now.

Mr. Bennett: Not hard to tell. ;)

Georgi: *crows* Wonderful! ;-)

Lord David: (Points at Mr. Bennett) Who's 'e?

Mr. Bennett: (Puts up his hand) A friend, son. You don't need to wave your weapons around me. (Pulls a handkerchief out of his pocket and waves it around) I carry a white flag.

Peter: He's Mr. Bennett, and he's helping us!

Bard Peter: (Nods) He has a very gentle feeling around him, very nice, but very, very strong and wise.

Mr. Bennett: (Nods, smiling) Thank you, son. I like how you think. ;)

(The white light finally reveals Sir Robert...but this Sir Robert is tall and commanding, with long, dark raven waves past his shoulders and a fine, somewhat weathered face.)

Sir Robert: Enough, mon amies. Do not frighten the poor things!

Georgi: *grins* Spoil sport. *sticks his tongue out*

Lord David: We were just 'avin' a bit of sport.

Davy: Yeah, mate, no 'arm done.

Micky: Except he *points at Georgi* almost got run into. *grins* ;-)

Georgi: *shrugs* Couldn't have hurt too much. ;-)

Lord David: If you'll notice (sticks his hand against the stove - it goes right through it), we're not all there. ;)

Sir Robert: (Mutters) In more ways than one, mon amie.

(Mike chuckles)

*Micky makes a face, then gives a lopsided grin.*

Bard Peter: We want to do one more thing for you before we go. (Frowns) It's not going to be nice, but we think it might help.

Sir Robert: We're going to show you what happened to us.

Lord David: (Eyes flash angrily) We all remembah now.

Sir Robert: You have helped us out.

(Bennett watches the boys and the ghosts, a mixture of fascination and curiosity crossing his face.)

Bard Peter: We don't want the Evil One to take you away from your soulmates, too!

Georgi: *nods* You DON'T want to experience that first hand. *folds his arms*

Sir Robert: Now, mon amies (gestures to the other ghosts), let's show them. (The four ghosts take each other's hands. There's a flash of multi-colored light, and the four Monkees and Mr. Bennett now find themselves in a cave overlooking a valley in the rain.)

Mike: Where ARE we?

Peter: A cave?

Micky: *whistles* Whoa...

Davy: (Frowns, leans toward the opening of a cavern) Wot's that? I heah...(eyes widen)...screamin'. And cursin' in French.

Peter: (Whimpers) It sounds like you, Mike!

Micky: Uh oh... *frowns*

(The four boys run down the cavern...and into a chamber that opens onto a rainy, rocky cliffside. A slender form is chained to a heavy, flat slab of rock in the chamber. Two other familiar forms lean over it, chuckling, while two more - one unfamiliar, one all TOO familiar - look on.)

Lord David: (Leans over Sir Robert, blocking a close view of his body, holding his rapier at his throat) Wot do you think of that, Sir Robert Del Naysmythe, the so-called White Knight?

Sir Robert: (Struggles) Do...what you want...I will escape and return to Pierre and our soulmates!

Georgi: *scoffs* Ha! *sneers* I like to see you try to escape! *laughs mirthlessly*

Tall Man: (Slight British accent) He has quite a will. Perhaps, one of you should...muddle...him more?

Sir Robert: (Screams) NO! Stay away from me! (Struggles) If only I had ma sword...

Georgi: *grins evilly* Can I do it?

Tall Man: (Nods) Certainly, dear Savage.

Lord David: (Still holding his rapier on Robert's throat, mutters) 'E always gets to 'ave ALL the fun. :p

*Georgi rubs his hands together, chuckling, then places his fingers to Sir Robert's temples. He's starts muddling, but takes a moment to stick his tongue out at Lord David.*

Sir Robert: Non! Si vous plait, mon amies! (He struggles, but they grow weaker and weaker, until they finally subside and he's panting.) Oh, ma cheri Emmeline...

Tall Man: (Frowns; looks outside, then turns to Julia/Shelia) Where IS that Bard? It couldn't have taken him THAT long to get up here!

Sir Robert: (Softly) Pierre...oh, ma pauvre Pierre...

Julia: *shrugs* 'Ow should I know...?

Lord David: Can we play wit' 'im a bit more, Mastah? (Draws his blade up past Robert's throat, to his cheeks) I'm rathah 'avin' fun, seein' im like this.

Sir Robert: Non...I thought...mon amies...

Tall Man: Of couse. Play with him a bit. It will make the Bard even more willing to give into our demands if he looks the part. ;)

Sir Robert: (Shakes his head) Non...non...

Georgi: Go on, then, play with him! *grins at Lord David*

Lord David: Now, then, White Knight, they call you rugged, majestic, even 'andsome. (Pulls the tip of the rapier across Sir Robert's left cheek, then the right and his forehead, leaving long scars - Robert winces) You won't be so appealin' to your little Emmeline now.

Sir Robert: (Roars) David, si vous plait! This is not like you!

Georgi: *claps* Good one!

Lord David: (Pulls back and bows, indicating Robert) 'ow would you like a turn wit' 'im, my good Savage? ;)

(Sir Robert tries to struggle as the slender, curly-locked boy advances on him.)

Georgi: *grins* My pleasure! *pulls out his dagger* Now, what should I do...? *taps the tip of his dagger lightly on Robert's chest*

Sir Robert: Si vous plait, ma Georgi. Do nothing. You never harmed anything before!

Georgi: Should be *grins at him*

(Lord David rubs Sir Robert's temples again; his breathing becomes even, his eyes unfocused.)

*Georgi readjusts his grip on the dagger and drags the tip of it down from one shoulder to the elbow. He stands back a moment and makes a face.*

Georgi: Now, I make other side match! *moves to the other side*

*Georgi does the same to Robert's other arm, grinning the whole time.*

Sir Robert: (Roars) Georgiano, David, they have done something to you! I am your guide, your ami, your band mate! I order you to release me and let me return to our families!

Lord David: (Makes a face) E' talks too much for 'is own good. Always did, givin' us commands, treatin' us like we were children or memabahs of 'is army.

Georgi: *nods* He should learn to be quiet once in a while.

Tall Man: He fears not being able to control his life, doesn't he? Well (evil grin), use this. (Thoughtful) Take his voice. He would no longer be able to order you about like small children.

Sir Robert: (Tries to struggle again) not...I am a singer and performer, I cannot work or live without mon voix....

Lord David: (Nods at Georgiano) Did you 'ear that, Georgi? Maybe we should 'ave a bit more fun wit' 'im, cut off that pretty voice of 'is.

Sir Robert: (Struggles again) Non...don't...

Georgi: *nods, grinning* I like that idea. PERMANENTLY shut his mouth.

(Robert shakes his head violently, but Lord David takes his head in his hands hard, and Georgiano leans over his throat.)

Sir Robert: Let me go, amie David!

Lord David: You don't command ME anymore, Sir Robert!

Georgi: *touches Robert's throat; a black light appears* How do you like THAT, huh? *grins evilly*

(Robert opens his mouth to protest, but no sound emerges. His eyes are angry as the move from one boy to the other.)

(A demon swoops down on the group, landing before the tall man and Julia/Shelia.)

Demon: (Scratchy voice) The Bard is on his way, Master. He is only a few steps away on the hillside.

Tall Man: Good, very good. (Looks up at the grinning pair leaning over the helpless knight) You boys, of course, will help me collect the Bard's beautiful soul. I need something that would convince him to give it up to me.

(Robert shakes his head, his eyes frightened and a little angry.)

Lord David: Per'aps we need to show deah Petah wot we can do to 'is friend if he don' our demands, maybe even to 'im...and 'is soulmate.

*Georgi nods.*

(Robert's eyes widen in anger and horror.)

(The Bard...Peter...enters timidly. He's has his bow and a green-tipped arrow drawn, and he's jumping at every shadow.)

Bard Peter: H...hello? David? Robert? Georgi? Where are you? The ladies are so scared. Emmeline is breaking things, and Laryen will not stop crying. They...(enters the cavern; gasps, shocked, at the sight before him) ROBERT! OH, MY GOD! (Turns his arrow shakily to the tall man) Evil One, what did you do to them? What did you do to my friend, Robert?

(Robert watches the blond musician sadly.)

Tall Man: (Puts up his hands) I did nothing, Peter Thork. They came of their own free will.

Bard Peter: But they'd NEVER hurt Robert like that! He's their friend, practically their brother!

(Robert nods at Georgi and Lord David in turn, frowning.)

Lord David: (Makes a face) Oh, you don't think we can 'urt 'im?

Georgi: Think we ought to show him what we can do? *grins*

Bard Peter: (Lowers his weapon) PLEASE don't hurt him!

Lord David: (Nods) You may start, dear Savage. ;)

Tall One: (Hands Georgi Robert's much-loved broadsword) And I give you Robert's own dearly beloved blade to have fun with.

(Robert glares at the Evil One angrily)

Georgi: *accepts the sword* Thank you. *grins evilly* I will have MOST fun with THIS!

Bard Peter: What are you going him? :(

(Sir Robert tries to move away from the tall Italian boy, but David rubs his temples again.)

Bard Peter: No, that confuses us! You know that!

Lord David: That's why I'm doin' it, Petah. ;)

*Georgi drags the tip of the sword along the rest of Robert's arms as his grin widens. He moves towards Robert's head and hacks a large lock of hair off the right side.*

Lord David: Good idea. French knights are supposed to keep their hair long. Sign of dignity, or somethin'.

Bard Peter:! (Goes to him, but Julia/Shelia stops him)

Georgi: *hands the sword to David* Next? ;-)

Julia: No, you don't. *grins, holding on to Peter*

Lord David: Thank you, Savage. (Takes the sword, yanks the thick lock of hair that falls over Robert's eyes, and cuts it off, then hands the sword back to Georgi.) I'm havin' too much fun not to sharh. ;)

Bard Peter: No, let him alone! He's so unhappy, so scared...

Georgi: *yanks another section of Robert's hair and cuts it* This IS too much fun! *hands off the sword again*

Lord David: Yes, it is, Georgi. 'E looks right niceah this way. (The boys keep switching off the sword, cutting off more and more of Robert's raven locks, until most of them lay on the rock and Peter is in tears. Georgi finishes by shaving off Robert's thick sideburns with the side of the sword.)

Bard Peter: No! NO! Leave him alone! He's never hurt you!

(Robert only turns his bloody cheek on the rock, trying his best to hold back tears of shame, shock, and sorrow.)

Lord David: (Strokes what's left of Robert's hair) Yes, 'e's much bettah this way. We can see those brown eyes of his now.

Georgi: *leans over Robert's head* You know you like it. It is new style. *smirks*

(Robert only shakes his head and tries to pull away again.)

Bard Peter: What will it take to get you to leave him alone? He wants to go back to Emmeline and his children and his songs!

Tall Man: (Smiles evilly; Peter tries to pull back, but Julia holds him firmly) Good Bard, what would you give to have your friend back, and whole again?

Bard Peter: Oh, God, ANYTHING! I've got to help him! Emmeline's so lost without him, and he's my dearest friend!

Tall Man: (Turns to Lord David and Georgiano) What do you think the Bard should give us? It should be something very important, for such a good friend...

Georgi: What do you think, David? I can think of one thing that should suffice nicely. *grins*

Lord David: (Nods and holds the sword very close to Robert's throat) It's what 'e's wanted from you for quite some time, Petah. Your soul.

Bard Peter: My...what?

*Georgi nods.*

(Robert struggles, trying to break free and warn Peter. Lord David frowns)

Lord David: Why are you STILL tryin' to get loose? You know you can't.

(Robert glares at Lord David and continues struggling, turning his sad brown eyes to Bard Peter.)

Bard Peter: But...why my soul? I'll give you something else. (Holds up his bow) My bow and arrows, my mandolin, the house Valerea bought Hans and her and me in Bavaria...

Lord David: Your soul, Petah. Or (looks at Georgi and grins as he makes a small cut on Robert's neck, periously close to his throat) we have some more fun. There's othah ways of hurtin' 'im, you know. 'E places so much emphasis on dignity and nobility, 'im bein' a knight and all. We can take that away from 'im, make 'im shamed and helpless for the first time in 'is life. Make it so 'e's worthless for protectin' the innocent.

Georgi: Gladly, too. *grins evilly*

Tall Man: Your soul, Peter Thork. Or your friend will die.

Bard Peter: (Wails) NO! (Looks at Robert, who watches him with meloncholy, unhappy brown eyes) I...I'll do it. You can have my soul, only don't hurt poor Robert! He never did anything to you! (Turns to his shocked friend on the rock slab) Robert, I know you're scared, but it's the only way.

Tall Man: Very well, then. Julia, hold our Bard down. You know how painful this is for humans. You boys may want to muddle him and subdue his voice, too. His screams could bring the staglamites down.

Bard Peter: (Nods at Robert) Don't worry, Robert! This will all be over soon, and I'll take you home to Emmeline to get cleaned up!

(But Robert shakes his head sadly, watching as the tears finally spill over.)

Bard Peter: Robert, why can't you talk? Robert? (As Julia and the boys come near him, he reflexsively steps back) W...what are you going to do?

Julia: It won't hurt...much. *grins*

Lord David: (Grabs the bow from him and pulls off the quivers) Don't need these where you're goin', litt'l Bard. (Closes his eyes; there's a black light, and his weapons vanish.)

Georgi: *reaches for the Bard's temples* Now, let's get some muddling done. *grins*

Bard Peter: No... (Georgi rubs his temples before he can protest further)

Lord David: This ain't gonna feel good, mate, so we'd bettah keep you quiet. (Takes a cloth and binds Peter's mouth with it. The light brown eyes are wide with horror)

Tall Man: Now, Julia, shall I have the distinct honor of removing such a lovely, innocent soul (strokes Peter's tear-stained cheeks), or should you? ;)

Julia: By all means, you've longed for such a soul for so long. ;-)

Tall Man: Thank you, my dear. I HAVE waited for this day for a LONG time. Open his shirt collar, boys.

Lord David: Why'd 'e have to wear that blasted jacket? (He opens Bard Peter's Nehru-style green jacket, revealing his chest. The Bard writhes in Julia's arms, but she holds him tightly.)

(Robert, too, tries to move, but he only collapses, panting.)

Georgi: *grinning, continues to muddle* Now, now, Bard, hold still, and it'll go quicker. ;-)

Tall Man: Boys, you may want to hold him as well. This does sting a bit.

Lord David: My pleasure. (Sits on the Bard's legs)

Georgi: *firmly holds his shoulders* More than happy to.

Tall Man: (Breathes into Bard Peter's face, carressing his cheek; he whimpers helplessly; Robert looks on, as angry as he can be in his condition) Now, my boy, we'll take what I've wanted all along from you, what your friends have guarded for years.

(He extends razor-sharp claws into Peter's chest. They go straight through it, leaving no blood, but Peter is screaming at the top of his lungs, his voice subdued by the gag. Robert's eyes are nearly the size of dinner plates. The Evil One finally pulls out something glowing and a very soft green. Bard Peter's eyes close; he collapses on Georgi and Julia, unconcious. Robert tries to pull away, but it's no use.)

Tall Man: (Shows it to Julia) I finally have it, Julia. Look at it. I have never seen such a beautiful, inncent soul in an adult human being. You normally only find such a soul in young children.

Julia: It is VERY beautiful. *grins evilly*

Tall Man: Now, how much should we...blacken...this pretty soul? (Looks at the boys) It's so ripe and ready for corruption, so trusting. (Indicates Bard Peter) He's loving and peaceful. Why don't we take that away, bring out the anger in his mind, taint that sweet gentleness?

(Robert tries his hardest to break free, struggling as much as he still can.)

Tall Man: (Makes a face) And someone do SOMETHING about the White Knight! He's making enough noise to wake everyone in my home! :p

(Robert stick his tongue out at the crowd around Bard Peter.)

Lord David: 'E's got cheek, don't 'e?

Georgi: *nods* Very.