Everyone ready for dinner?

Mike: I want my steak.

Peter: Michael, be patient. I'm ready.

Micky: I'm ready.

Davy: I am, too.

(We open back at the table as the waitress leaves.)

Mike: (Sips his tea) I hope the appetizers come soon. I'm starved.

Peter: I almost hope they don't. I'm really enjoying the quiet.

Emma: It's been nice to spend some time with adults who don't want anything from you. (Sighs) I'm tired of the newspaper racket, all the pressure and the deadlines.

Mike: We'll think of somethin', darlin'. You have a good portfolio now.

Micky: I'm really gonna miss this.

Valerie: Me, too. I have so much work to do when I get back, it's ungodly.

Emma: (Sighs) So do I.

Mike: I've gotta get somethin' goin' with the company.

Peter: And I have classes.

Mike: (Looks at Micky) And someone needs to quit a few jobs.

Micky: Yes, I do.

Peter: When we get back, you and I need to have a long talk, Mick.

Micky: I'd like that.

Emma: We all need to talk...and we all needed this vacation. I love our children and our friends, but we really needed to work some things out.

Mike: No kiddin'.

Valerie: I'm glad we did it before Lauren had her child. Which reminds me, you're going to get tired of hearing this, but how do you feel, Lauren?

Lauren: Still okay, so...

Mike: So we should be able to make it home before the kid pops out. (Emma elbows him)

Lauren: Most likely.

Peter: How does Leah feel about being a big sister?

Lauren: She seems pretty happy.

Mike: She has Shelly to teach her.

Emma: How are the twins handling another sibling on the way?

Lauren: They're fine, happy.

Peter: They're old hands at this by now.

Valerie: Daphne, are you and Davy planning on giving Lizzie a sibling anytime soon?

Daphne: At some point.

Mike: Yeah, I think it's your turn next. (Turns to Emma) And then, it'll be our turn...

Emma: (Makes a face) We'll see.

Mike: (Leans over and whispers to Micky) See my problem? She's been like this for ages. We sleep together, but we don't really...you know.

Micky: *Whispers* More than I needed to know...

Mike: Any ideas on how to snap her out of it?

Micky: *Shrugs* I have no idea, man.

Mike: How did you and Lauren do it?

Micky: *Smiles* We talk.

Mike: It's just a matter of gettin' her to talk to me without fightin'...and when we're both not busy or with the kids.

Micky: Yeah...

Mike: I guess I could corral her tonight, after we finish dinner...

Micky: Try it.

Mike: How 'bout you n' Lauren? How have you been doin'?

Micky: We're doing pretty well.

Mike: She's cool about all those jobs of yours?

Micky: No, but she trusts that I can figure out what to do.

Mike: You're lucky to have her, Mick.

Micky: Yeah. Yeah, I am.

Mike: How are you guys fixin' for money? All those jobs payin' you well?

Micky: We're doing pretty well.

Mike: How's Lauren comin' with the radio station? The kids still love listenin' to her. They get a real kick knowin' that their "auntie and unca" are on the radio.

Micky: She loves it, almost as much as me.

Mike: She sure sounds it. Katie wants to get on the radio with her when she gets older.

(Even as Mike says this, the waitress arrives with their food. Mike grins at his huge steak.)

Mike: Now that's how you make good meat.

Emma: That salmon looks perfect!

Peter: I can't wait to try the bean burrito.

Valerie: (Sniffs) The pork tenderloin smells wonderful!

Emma: How about the rest of you?

*Micky plows in.*

Lauren: Looks wonderful!

Davy: Wish we could eat like this more often.

Mike: No kiddin'. We can't find steak like this at home.

Emma: Some of us aren't as fond of red meat as you are, and steak is expensive.

Mike: That's what I spent most of my life eatin', darlin'. I'm from Texas.

Valerie: I really should bring more home from Dad's house.

Peter: We only eat like this when we visit Morgan. I wonder if maybe we should hire a housekeeper, or something. I hate to do it, but between Val's schedule and mine, we don't really have the time to cook...or do much of anything else on the house.

Valerie: Maybe I could work something out with some of the older women in our neighborhood. Mrs. Marion or Mrs. Purdy might be willing to take on a day job. They're both at home for most of the day.

Peter: And Jordan loves them both, and they spoil him and Austin like crazy.

Emma: (Sighs) We don't have the money for a maid, and I'm at home enough to be able to cook and clean anyway.

Mike: (He's plowing through his steak pretty well, too) Damn, this is good.

Emma: The salmon melts in your mouth!

Peter: (Looks around the cafe area) The ambiance is pretty, too. I love how the resort has this cafe area set up in the garden here.

Valerie: Yes, it's very relaxing.

Mike: Yeah. Maybe one of us ought to try settin' somethin' like this up in one of our gardens.

Emma: We could use a place to relax.

Valerie: Or on that little island we use for training grounds.

Peter: Speaking of those islands, we haven't really been practicing on them lately. Maybe we should go over there this weekend and see if we can do some training there (grins at Micky) that is, if Micky hasn't become a father by then.

Mike: (Shrugs) I'm all for it.

Davy: Sounds good to me.

Emma: If we could find someone to take the kids, maybe we could all go.

Mike: Even just a few hours' worth of work would probably be a good thing. I still say somethin's comin'...and it ain't gonna be pretty.

Emma: I wish you wouldn't say things like that.

Mike: I can't help what I sense, darlin'.

Peter: (Sighs) We'll talk about this later. (He settles back) Boy, that was good. Does anyone want dessert?

Mike: (Shakes his head) Nahh, I'm full. We could probably order that at our rooms, anyway.

Micky: That's what I'm gonna do.

Emma: We'll see everyone tomorrow bright and early for check-out!

Mike: Or else, ya here?

Peter: (Salutes them) Yes sir!

Valerie: And ma'am!

Mike: Get outta here, you nuts.

Peter: Right away, sir! (Mike gently slugs him on the arm as everyone laughs and the waitress brings them their check. We fade out on Valerie and Lauren deciding who pays what, and fade in on...darkness. A light flips on, and we discover Micky carrying Lauren across the threshold as best he can)

Micky: Just like our...wedding night!

Lauren: *Laughs* Just don't throw your back out!

Micky: I'm ok, babe! I'm using our Imagination Powers! (Looks around) So, where do you want to go?

Lauren: Surprise me.

Micky: Ok, babe! (He makes a throne - the famous "309" chair - appear in a blue light and sets her in it) There you are, my queen. (Bows before her) The most comfortable seat in the house!

Lauren: *Laughs* This is definitely a surprise!

Micky: You'd expect anything less from me? (He pulls up a chair and sits next to her) So babe, did you enjoy your vacation?

Lauren: Yes, I did, very much so.

Micky: Me too. I think I figured a lot of things out. (Frowns) Do you really mind that I...get stress out a lot?

Lauren: *Pats his hand* It's better that you do get it out than keep it in. *sighs* I may not like all of your methods, but you're still always there for me and the kids, so...

Micky: I try to be, babe. You know I'd never leave you. You'll always be my woman.

Lauren: I know. *leans over and kisses him*

(The camera cuts away as Micky and Lauren kiss, moving out the door, across the hall, and into what turns out to be Davy and Daphne's room. Unlike Micky and Lauren, they haven't bothered with lights. They're laying on the couch, kissing and hugging each other.)

Davy: God luv, I'm mad about you. I'm so glad Val suggested this trip. Lizzie's a great tyke, but we ain't had the bloody time for a good shag in ages!

Daphne: No kidding. *runs her fingers through his hair*

Davy: (Runs his fingers across her chest) An' the guys are like me brothers...but there's times you just need your woman by your side, ya know?

Daphne: *Sighs next to his ear* Uh huh...

Davy: And luv, if you ever catch me even thinkin' 'bout another woman, I give you my permission to kick me as hard as you can in the arse.

Daphne: I'm gonna hold you to that.

Davy: I'm sure you will, luv. (He kisses her again...and the camera turns away, once again moving to the hall. This time, it goes next-door.)

Valerie: (She and Peter sit at a table, sipping champagne from a bottle in a ice-filled bucket) I'm glad I paid extra to room service for the good champagne.

Peter: *Nods* It's very nice.

Valerie: (She lifts her glass) Here's to the renewal of our marriage...and to more time together and with our children in the future.

(The two clink glasses and kiss as we pass out of the room and to the last door in the hall. The camera passes into Emma and Mike's room. Emma stands by her suitcase, packing clothes. Mike crosses to her and kisses her neck.)

Emma: (Sighs) Honey, not now...

Mike: If not now, darlin', when? You've been so standoffish lately.

Emma: I've had a lot on my mind.

Mike: We've all had a lot on our minds, darlin'. (He puts a hand on her shoulder) Tell me about it.

Emma: (Turns to Mike) I guess the pressure of working and raising two children is just getting to me.

Mike: Is that all it is? Or is there somethin' else?

Emma: Mike, I just haven't...felt...right.

Mike: That's what I'm here for, darlin'. I want you to feel right. (Takes her hand as they look out the window and into the glittering blue tropical night) I don't often say it, 'cause I really don't know how...but I love you, darlin'. Maybe I concentrate on my work a lot, but that's because I get real into things. (Smiles his little Nesmith smile) You do, too. Can't shake you for hours when you're workin' on a story.

Emma: Mike, I don't know if I'll ever write another story. I don't know if I can. It's like there's nothing left to inspire me.

Mike: You'll find somethin', darlin'. We'll all figure somethin' out.

Emma: (She leans into her husband's arms) Hold me, Baby. Just hold me.

Mike: (Nods) Yeah.

(He kisses the top of her head as the cobalt moonlight shines on them, giving them an eerie glow. We fade out on their shadowy kiss in the wavering moonlight.)