Shall we begin our chat?

Valerie: I could use some woman-to-woman talk.

Lauren: Me, too.

Daphne: Sounds like a good time to me.

(We open in Lauren and Micky's room again. Emma, Lauren, and Daphne sit around the room, drinking iced teas, eating pretzels and potato chips, and talking.)

Valerie: (Off-camera; knock on the door) Is anyone home?

Emma: Yeah, Val. We're here. (She stands and lets Valerie in) Got bored with Peter?

Valerie: The big goof passed out on me.

Lauren: You wore him out, Val. Come on, you can admit it.

Valerie: Well, it's been a while since we've really had a chance to enjoy time together.

Emma: And? How was it?

Valerie: (Flops on the couch next to Daphne) Wonderful. Peter's always been good, but there's something...else to him now. An edge that wasn't there before...

Daphne: Sounds like fun.

Valerie: (Chuckles) That it was. (Looks around) Where's the other three? Still at the bar?

Emma: Knowing them, they're probably under it by now.

Lauren: And have been for a while.

Valerie: So, what have you ladies been talking about?

Emma: Oh, many things. I have an article to do on Lillith Staffer buying Dark Star Records when I get back. I really need to start doing the research for that.

Valerie: (Frowns) Dark Star Records? Wasn't that Belavarg's company?

Emma: (Nods) Yes, but she bought it when it was on the market last year.

Valerie: (Nods) A couple of people at Headquarters have mentioned that. (Thoughtful) I wonder if this will bring Belavarg back into the open?

Emma: (Makes a face) I hope not. I'd like to never see that ugly jerk again.

Lauren: *Nods* Never would be too soon.

Valerie: (Sighs) But we have a lot of unfinished business with him, including what he did to me and to my poor Peter.

Emma: Let's let it stay unfinished. I don't want him within a hundred miles of me or my family ever again.

Valerie: I'm worried that he may try to do something to Peter again. Peter's been through enough.

Emma: We'll protect him, Val. We all know what to look for now.

Valerie: I hope so. We say that...and then we get hurt.

Emma: Not this time. I won't let that happen.

Valerie: Emma, you can't stop every bad thing that happens.

Emma: I can sure as hell try, Val.

Valerie: (Sighs) And Peter's not the only one I'm worried about. (Turns to Lauren) How do you feel about Micky right now?

Lauren: *Folds her arms and frowns slightly* Worried.

Valerie: He's been really spreading himself thin lately.

Lauren: Yes, very much so.

Emma: I'm glad Mike offered him that job, It'll probably help to cut his careers in half. (Frowns) I wonder if this has to do with being afraid of inactivity? The guys haven't been doing nearly as much in the recording studio since their last few albums flopped, and the whole Dolenz/Jones/Boyce/Hart thing didn't seem to work too well, either.

Valerie: (Turns to Lauren) Tell Micky that "Headquarters" is not going to sponsor another special where he dresses like he did in that "Stepping Stone" number.

Lauren: Dear God, I hope not.

Emma: What on Earth did they ingest to come up with that?

Valerie: And Daphne, what about you and Davy?

Daphne: We're doing fine, actually.

Valerie: Would he mind it if I officially broke up the Dolenz/Jones act? He can continue to act with Micky if he wants...just not in the current incarnation. Boyce and Hart want to go to another studio that's offering them higher contracts.

Daphne: I think he'll be just fine with it.

Valerie: I think Mike's music videos are going to come at a very good time. If it really works out, I'm going to let him use some of my newest Headquarters artists. They could use the publicity.

Emma: Mike says he can use anyone the boys can recommend. (Grins) And he wants me to write some of the videos, too.

Valerie: That's great! (Turns to Daphne) You girls will be some of the first Headquarters acts I loan to Mike for his videos, along with some of newbies.

Emma: I'll write something special for you girls.

Valerie: If you work out, Mike can borrow as many Headquarters acts as he can fit on his bill until he gets started.

Emma: He'll love that. (Sighs) I hope this works out. He's been so...distracted...lately. Even Robbie's noticed it. And between my writing and his work with the company, we just haven't had time for much of anything lately. I've had Robbie in day care or with one of you a lot.

Valerie: (Sighs) Doesn't this seem familiar? He did the same thing with the albums when they were recording. (To Lauren) And Micky's doing it too, just with different jobs. They're both going to burn themselves out worse than Peter if they aren't careful.

Lauren: Yup.

Emma: I've tried to tell him that.

Valerie: You need to be more forceful. Literally pound it into him, if you can.

Emma: That's what I'm afraid of doing. I don't want to fight physically with him. I saw my parents do that for too many years.

Valerie: Emma, he's skinny as heck. You could probably lick him clean.

Emma: If his powers are turned off, maybe. (Sighed) But that's not the point. The point is...well, maybe I'm not too happy with my job, either. I'm wondering if it's time I changed careers. I've been writing for newspapers for a long time now, but I don't get the assignments that I used to. I was surprised to get the interview with Lillith Staffer. I'm thinking of trying something else and leave the newspaper writing to the young kids.

Valerie: I could offer you a temporary job as a secretary at Headquarters while you try to find something else.

Emma: Thanks, Val, but I really need to find something involving writing. That's what I do.

Valerie: Lauren, what about you? Are you going back to the radio station after you have your child? Or the bank?

Lauren: Radio station. The hours are more flexible.

Emma: That's a good idea. (Grins) And you know, maybe one of the jobs Mick should keep is the radio station. Mike would probably say it could be great publicity for the videos, and once again, it's flexible.

Valerie: And you both love doing it. Micky makes a really super DJ.

Lauren: Micky loves it too much. He wouldn't give it up for the world.

Emma: You could take a morning or early afternoon shift, while the kids are in school and Micky is making videos, and Micky could keep his night shift.

Lauren: I had early afternoon before since I'm still not a morning person.

Emma: I'll take Leah when I'm at home. She's a sweetie, and no trouble. She gets along very well with Robbie.

Lauren: *Nods* Thanks, Em.

Emma: Anytime. You'd take Robbie if it were me.

Lauren: Of course.

Valerie: (Sighs) I just started work again myself. I'm lucky I have Matilda to watch Austin and Jordan during the day, and Jordan will be starting school in the fall.

Emma: He'll finally join the rest of them. Katie absolutely adores school. It's all she talks about.

Valerie: I hope Jordan does, too. He's so shy! I don't know how he'll react to being around all those people.

Emma: How's the twins doing with school, Lauren?

Lauren: Fine. Shelly a little better than Mick, but I was sorta expecting that.

Emma: Is Mick getting bad grades?

Lauren: No, he just gets bored easily. Sound familiar?

Emma: Oh, he's his father's son. (Chuckles) And his uncle's, too. Mike said he had similar problems in school.

Valerie: Maybe he needs tougher work...or just something that will grab his attention?

Lauren: Attention grabber would probably be preferable.

Valerie: It's a shame he's too young for things like shop and home economics. He'd probably enjoy them more than sit-down work.

Lauren: I'm positive of it. Mick has been having him help with cooking as much as possible. Granted, it's been mostly mixing, but still...

Emma: (Nods) Robbie and Katie love helping me in the kitchen, too. It's good to let the kids help out and learn how to cook. I learned by helping my mother. (Sighs) And speaking of our men, I wonder where the other three are?

(That's when we hear three voices singing what might be "Listen to the Band"...very off-key.)

Valerie: (Puts her hands over her ears) What in the heck is that racket?

Emma: Oh damn. I think that might be them now.

Mike: (Off-camera) Damn it! Mick, did you remember your key? (Sings again) "Plays a song, and no one listens..."

Micky: I remember my key! I just sang it!

Emma: (Mutters) No wonder no one's listening. Mike sounds awful.

Mike: Not THAT key. The one to get us in our room, dummy!

Valerie: This is better than the Three Stooges.

Mike: Tell me you have your key, Mick. We don't know if the girls are awake or not!

Micky: Ohhhh-kaaay, I won't tell you.

Mike: Micky, you idiot! Maybe we could sneak through a window or somethin'...

Emma: (Sighs) Who wants to let them in?

Valerie: If you ask me, they should just sleep in the hall all night. They deserve it for getting drunk.

Emma: They'll wake up the whole tiki house!

Lauren: Besides, they sound drunk enough to actually try breaking in.

Valerie: Who'll do the dirty deed and let them in?

Emma: How about you, Daph? You're closest to the door.

Daphne: I guess so.

*Daphne opens the door. All three come tumble into the room and land in a heap on the floor.*

Mike: Oww! Do you guys HAVE ta land on me?

Emma: Very smooth, boys.

Valerie: What is this, a vaudeville routine?

Lauren: Or the Three Stooges?

Mike: (Stands...but stumbles into Micky) Sorry, man. Didn't see ya.

Micky: That's okay. I see three of you.

Mike: Three of me? (Looks around) Don't tell me Sheila's been clonin' me, too!

Emma: (Mutters) God, I hope not. One of you is more than enough right now.

Mike: Davy, where are ya? Did ya get squashed?

Davy: *Waves; he's seated on the floor away from them* I moved over.

Mike: Well, don't do that! I thought you were road burger or somethin'!

Emma: What did you have to drink tonight?

Mike: A lot.

Micky: And then more.

Davy: And more after that.

Emma: Why don't you all just go to bed?

Mike: (Looks at the other two) Are we tired?

Micky: I don't know. Are we?

Emma: (Takes Mike's arm gently) Yes, you are. You're very tired.

Mike: I ain't... (yawns a little) ...tired. :

Emma: Good lord, you sound exactly like Katie!

Mike: I hope not. She's a... (yawns again) girl.

Micky: *Giggles* Mike sounds like a girl!

Mike: I do... (yawn) not.

Emma: (Pulls Mike to the door) Ok, honey, say good-night to the boys, and we'll go back to our room.

Mike: Good night to the boys.

Micky: Night night!

Davy: Night!

(Emma just groans and pulls Mike out of the room.)

Valerie: I think I'd better follow them. (Little grin) Maybe you've woken Peter up, and we can go back to...well, we can have some fun, too. Good night, everyone!

Lauren: Night, Val.

Daphne: Night!

(Valerie heads out.)

Daphne: *Wraps an arm around Davy* Come on, Davy. Let’s head back to our room and get you settled down.

Davy: Okay... *lets Daphne lead him out*

Lauren: *Glares at Micky* Nice going, Mick.

Micky: Thanks, babe! So... (he flops on the bed) wanna get buusssyy?

Lauren: Gee, I don't know if I'd feel right, taking advantage of you in the state you're in.

Micky: I'm in a great state! Never been better! I feel... (yawns) wonderful....

Lauren: Suuure you do.

Micky: (Yawns heavily) Yeah I...could go on...for...days... (he finally closes his eyes and starts snoring)

Lauren: *Chuckles* Sure, Mick.

*Lauren covers him with the blanket and kisses his cheek as we fade out.*