Everyone ready to climb to the top of the tower?

Mike: (Looks up at the tower) Uh, I ain't so sure.

Peter: (Gulps) No!

Micky: I am.

Davy: So am I.

(We open as the boys peer into the tower. It's a narrow, round-shaped building that consists of mostly stairs and torches. Mike takes one of the torches.)

Mike: Ok, guys. I guess I don't need to tell ya by now to stay together. (Sniffs) I smell danger in this place, and lots of it.

Slip: Oh, I'm looking forward to it.

(That's when a poof of black sparkles appear in front of the steps. When it subsides, we see Midge, dressed as a very sexy witch in a skintight sequin-trimmed black gown, a witch's black hat, and an old-fashioned broom. She smirks at the six men...and it stops at Davy and turns into a leer.)

Midge: Well, hello gentlemen. We are surprised you made it so far. (Grins at Davy) And you brought me my little slave back. How nice of you.

Davy: I am not your bloody slave.

Mike: Like hell he ain't. We ain't here for your enjoyment. We're here to get our music back.

Midge: What if we do not want you to have music back?

Mike: Tough shit.

Midge: You will have to get past me first. (Smirks at Slip now) Including stupid small fat man with broken wing.

Slip: I'm gonna wipe that smirk off yer face.

Midge: Not so fast, little fat man. (We hear a stampede coming behind her. It's the green zombie slaves, carrying knives or swords.) First, you must fight the other owners of tower.

Mike: Oh, we can take these guys easy.

Midge: (Turns to the zombies) Bring me the small British man and the tall man. Do what you want with the others. They are of no concern to Master Belavarg or me.

(The zombies flow into the room as "Goin' Down" begins. Mike growls, makes his broadsword appear, and plows right through a line of zombies.)

(Peter stands on the top of the steps and shoots any zombie that gets close.)

*Micky and Davy push Slip and Sach behind them. They make their weapons appear and fend off the zombies.*

(Once the zombies are laying in piles of dust on the floor, Mike waves the others up the stairs. Come on!)

(Peter's already on the stairs and leads the charge this time. We see the requisite shot through the middle of the spiral staircase as the boys hurry up the rickety stairs. They finally reach a second platform. They barely have enough time to catch their breaths before a group of creatures that look like Belavarg, with horns, claws, reddish-black bodies, and huge wings, step out of the shadows. Mike hisses and draws his sword. Two of the demons lean over Slip and Sach. One makes a grab for Sach.)

*Sach rears back and slugs the demon reaching for him.*

(Peter holds up his bow, but one of the demons slaps it away. He lunges for it...and the demon lunges for HIM.)

(Peter wrestles with the demon on the ground, while Mike duels with the sharp claws of two more demons near-by.)

(Two other demons lunge for Sach.)

*Sach clips the first one & hits the second in the gut.*

(The first one lands on the floor. The second doubles over...giving Mike enough time to hit him over the head with the handle of his sword and knock him out. Good work, Sach.)

*Sach grins.*

Mike: (As the music ends; the demons are spread out on the floor) Let's get movin', guys, before Belavarg figures out what happened to his cronies.

Peter: (Turns to Sach as they head for the stairs) Hey, you're pretty good at this!

Sach: *Shrugs* Thanks.

Slip: He can fight if he has to.

Mike: Well, I'd say we definitely have to here. (Frowns) An' I don't think it's over yet. If I know Belavarg, there will probably be more comin' up soon.

*The group turns a corner and find a huge hole in the floor extending from wall to wall. There's large piles of two-by-fours on both sides across from each other.*

Mike: Shit. What are we gonna do now?

Peter: (Nods) We can't jump over that. It's too deep and too wide.

*Belavarg appears on the opposite side.*

Belavarg: Greetings, gentlemen. I have a few obstacles for you. This one is for your crooked-nosed friend. He must figure out how to get across the large gap in the floor.

Mike: Sach?

Slip: He can barely tie his shoes!

Sach: Couldn't I do something else, like hopscotch?

Belavarg: No. *disappears*

Sach: What do I do? *turns to Slip* Chief, what do I do?

Slip: *Eyes the obstacle in front of them* I dunno...

Mike: Looks like you're gonna have to figure it out. We ain't got no other way of gettin' across.

*Sach whimpers, but he walks over to the wood pile on their side. He then looks across the opening at the other pile.*

Slip: This could take a while.

Mike: I don't think any of those boards look like they're long enough to go across...and none of them are thick enough to hold all of us.

*Sach starts poking at the ends of the boards. Some push out slightly, others don't budge at all.*

Slip: Just whadaya think yer doin'?

Sach: Some of 'em move, Chief.

Slip: I can see that, but Mike just said they won't reach & they wouldn't hold any of us anyway.

Sach: Can't I find out?

Slip: *Sighs* Fine.

Peter: Maybe they don't have to hold us or reach all the way across.

Mike: Then how are we gonna get across?

*Sach pushes on one board that shoots out quickly from the pile. It rams into the pile on the other side. The sound of gears turning is heard, and the floor begins to close. Sach’s eyes widen; he grins widely and jumps up and down* I did it! I did it!

Slip: I'll be damned.

Sach: I knew playin' "Timber" would pay off!

Micky: *Claps Sach's shoulder as the floor closes completely* Nice job, Sach!

Peter: (Nods) Good thinking, Sach. We weren't supposed to cross the boards. We were supposed to use them to open the actual floor.

*The guys cross the newly sealed floor, past the second pile of wood. The go through a doorway. As soon as they all gone through, a door slides closed behind them, sending them into total darkness.*

Mike: Damn it! (Concentrates - a blue light briefly flares, then dies.) I can't even conjure up a flashlight.

Peter: (Gulps) I can't see a thing!

Micky: Wait a minute...

*Suddenly, there's a flare. All of the torches light up. Some are blue, and some are dark orange.*

Micky: *Grins* Nothing a little fire power couldn't fix.

Mike: Hey Mick, not bad.

Peter: (Frowns - there are at least four or five different paths) But which way do we go now?

Micky: Hmm. Most of them are dark orange, but there's one that's blue.

Mike: Maybe that's the one we should use?

Peter: (He starts walking through an orange one...and hears a rumble) Uhh, I think so.

Mike: Then we go this way. (He leads them through the tunnel lit by blue torches.)

(As the boys walk through the tunnel, it suddenly stops. We're back in another circular room. The door on the other end shuts as well.)

Mike: Shit! We're trapped!

Peter: What's that sound?

*Sach looks up. His eyes widen.*

Slip: Quit it, Sach. I hate it when you get that look.

*Sach points upward.*

Micky: *Follows where Sach is pointing* Water!

Slip: *Eyes widen* Water? Shit.

Mike: Man, this is gonna ruin my cowboy suit.

Peter: It's gonna ruin US!

Mike: (As the water keeps pouring in) We've gotta find a way out!

Peter: But it's coming down too fast, and none of us can breathe underwater!

Slip: Not to mention I can't swim currently!

Peter: Try to hold onto my back, Slip.

Mike: We can all swim. Kinda necessary in California.

Davy: Considering it's water, this seems up my alley.

Mike: That's right, kid. That's your power. Do you think you could hold your breath underwater long enough to find a way out?

Davy: That's what I'm hoping.

Peter: Go for it then, Davy! The water is getting higher!

*Davy takes a deep breath and goes under.*

Slip: *Holding onto Peter* This just hasn't been my day.

Mike: They like to take turns with who they pick on in these stories. You musta drawn the lucky number.

Peter: (Coughs; they're almost to the top) Davy, have you found it yet?

*There's the sound of water drain. The current flows behind them, the way they came.*

Davy: *Pops up* Managed a hole at the back. We can make a way out to the front and not worry about meeting the water again.

Mike: Great! Ok, everyone. Let's see if we can follow Dave.

*Davy blue lights a door at the front.*

Mike: Ok, everyone! (They all wade over to the door.)

(Cut to another room. When the guys enter, they're completely dry and looking exactly like they did before.)

Mike: Now what?

Peter: The only ones who haven't done anything yet are you, me, and Slip.

Mike: Yeah, but what... (That's when we see vines start snaking their way around the walls)

Peter: (His eyes widen) Guys....the auras on the vines...they aren't right...

Micky: Looks like this one's yours, Peter!

(Peter ducks away as the vines attack the other guys. Mike chops at them, but they wrap around his sword and his arms. He struggles wildly.)

*Sach slaps at the vines. Micky jabs them with his dagger, but more replace them. Davy tries to dodge them to no avail. Slip is unable to fend them off and one immediately wraps itself around him.*

Peter: (He yells at the top of his lungs) STOP! (And suddenly, the vines do just that. Everything seems to freeze.) Now, look. We need help, not to be squeezed to death. (He goes to the vines holding Mike) Can't you do something for us? Show us the way, or lead us to a tunnel? (He opens his eyes very wide.) Please? We really need to get to the top of this tower and get our music back!

(That's when the vines start to pull slowly away from the group. They tie themselves together instead, creating a staircase going upwards.)

Peter: (Grins) See? You never know what you can accomplish if you just ask nicely.

Mike: Dang, Pete. (He starts up the stairs) They're safe. They hold like real wood.

Sach: Wow!

Mike: Come on, guys.

*The guys continue on, but end up at a dead end, or rather a wall with a bunch of words carved into it.*

Mike: It looks like a word puzzle of some kind.

Peter: (Groans) Oh, we're not back in that treasure hunting cave again!

Micky: And I thought the kids were bad about writing on the walls.

Davy: It's all over the wall. What are we supposed to do with this?

Sach: *to Slip* Hey, Chief, I think this one's yours.

Slip: Well, that's great. What'm I s'posed to do with it?

*Four letters on the wall alight to spell "PUSH."*

Slip: "Push?" Push what?

*"PUSH" just keeps blinking at him.*

Slip: *Calls out to no one in particular, or maybe the wall* Some directions would-a been nice! *Goes to the wall and touches the P; it goes off* That's interestin'... *pushes the U; it goes off. He touches the S, then the H; they both go off.* I think I'm beginnin' to get the necklace of an idea... *looks around on the wall; finds an E and touches it. The E stays lit. Slip then finds an I and a T, but he's still looking for one more letter.*

Slip: Anyone see a X?

Mike: Here it is! (Points up high)

Slip: *Looks up* Oh, like I'm gonna reach that.

Sach: Hold on, Chiefy!

Slip: What...

*Sach kneels down behind Slip and starts to pick him up on his shoulders.*

Slip: SACH! You crazy moron! I can't hold on and touch the letter at the same time!

Mike: (Gently holds onto Slip to steady him) That better?

Slip: Yeah. *Reaches for the X; his fingers touch just below it* Little higher! I almost got it...

Mike: (Pushes him further and tries not to squeeze his ribs) Better?

Slip: *Reaches, but he's wincing* Just about.. *finally touches the X; it alights, then all four letters flash*

*Sach kneels again to let Slip off his shoulders. The letters flash quicker. Finally, the wall parts at the middle, revealing a doorway.*

Mike: Ok, boys. Let's move in.

(They walk into another room. This one is the very top. It's empty except for a bookshelf and a huge old desk...with Belavarg sitting behind it.)

Mike: Where's the rights to our music, you bastard?

Belavarg: Ah, but you have one last obstacle. *stands, holding his sword* Yours, Knight.

Mike: (Pulls out his sword) I'm assumin' you’re my obstacle.

Peter: Michael, be careful...

Mike: (Holds up his sword) Where's our music?

Belavarg: You will receive it if you defeat me.

Mike: Like hell I'm gonna defeat you. (He and Belavarg lunge at each other. Peter herds the others into a corner, well away from the combatants.)

*Belavarg battles with force and deft skill.*

(Their swords thrash back and forth, neither giving an inch. Mike finally pulls back, sweating and panting. He concentrates...and the wind begins to pick up, swirling around the two.)

(The wind blows fiercely...but the two swordsmen are fiercer. Mike finally holds out the sword and lets an incredible blow of wind knock Belavarg to the wall. His sword flies out the window and lands blade-end down in the ground below. Mike holds his sword to Belavarg's chest.)

Mike: Give me back my music, you son of a bitch.

Belavarg: Dammit!

*Belavarg disappears, but a multi-page set of papers appears in Mike's hand.*

Mike: (Grins at the papers) The rights. I did it. I got them back.

Peter: (Pats Mike's shoulder) You did well, Michael.

Mike: No. We ALL did well. Together.

(That's when everything begins to just fade away - the room, the tower. Mike's eyes widen.)

Mike: Shit. This place must be goin' up with Belavarg. Everyone, concentrate. Think "get us back to the MonkeeMobile on the double!"

(There's a series of blue lights. When the lights fade, the boys are gone.)

(Cut to outside. There's a huge blast of black sparkles. When the sparkles are gone, so's the tower. Only Midge remains by the trees.)

Midge: Bela? Bela, where are you?

Belavarg: *Appears; to Midge* I'm through with you. I'm leaving you and your friends here. Enjoy your time in the woods. *disappears just as the monsters come after her*

Midge: No! Bela! You are my man! We are lovers! Come back! (The monsters gather around her.) Come baaaaccckk.... (The camera moves up to the full moon again as her shrill screams echo through the forest.)

(Cut to the street and the MonkeeMobile. The Monkees and the Bowery Boys appear in a blue light, just as a Model T chugs up to them.)

*The other three Bowery Boys are dressed in different military uniforms. Chuck hops out and goes to the group.*

Chuck: Where have you guys been?! The ladies and Millie sent us to look for you! *sees Slip's arm* What happened to you?

Slip: *Waves his good hand* Long story. I might tell ya if I'm sedated enough later.

Mike: Boy, am I glad to see you guys. Take Slip an' Sach to the hospital. We'll tell the girls what happened.

Peter: And don't argue about it, Slip. I know what Michael and Micky are like when we need hospital visits.

Slip: I ain't arguin'. I'm hurtin' too much to argue.

Mike: Call us at Micky's house and tell us how Slip's fairin'. (He and the other Monkees climb into the MonkeeMobile.)

Chuck: Will do, guys. See you later.

Mike: See ya. (The MonkeeMobile takes off, followed by the Model T. Mike turns to the other guys) Boy, do we have a story to tell the ladies!

Peter: This is one ghost story they'll never believe!

Micky: No kidding! Even I sorta don't believe it!

Mike: Well, believe it. (He tosses the papers into Micky's lap) I got these.

Peter: And I think we all learned some important lessons about teamwork and about being afraid.

Davy: That's for bloody sure.

Mike: Not bad for two hours in the woods on Halloween night, huh?

Micky: Hard to believe that was ONLY two hours.

Peter: (Peers at his watch) According to this, it was exactly two hours.

Davy: We made good time.

Mike: Well, come on. Let's see if we can find the main road...or the scariest things we'll face this Halloween will be our wives when we get into Malibu Beach and have to explain where we've been for two hours.

(The guys all laugh as the MonkeeMobile and the Model T chug off into the distance. The camera moves upwards to a shot of the full moon again. One of the ghosts from Part 5 flies in front of the camera and makes a spooky face. When it flies away, the sparkling, dusty white trail it leaves spells "Happy Halloween!")