Ok, then, everyone ready to begin?

Mike: After we have a chat with Slip about his attitude...

Peter: I hope it doesn't cause problems.

Micky: This should be interesting.

Davy: *nods* That might be an understatement, Mick.

(We open back in the rapidly thinning mist, with the boys coming out of the graveyard.)

*Slip and Sach are just ahead of them. Slip is wringing out his white hat, which makes a small puddle on the ground. When it’s at least a little bit more dry, he plops it back on his head. Fortunately, he'd stuck it in his pocket before falling in the water.*

Mike: Guys! (The Monkees hurry to join them.)

Peter: You can't run off like that!

Slip: We didn't run off! We're right here!

Sach: But, Chief...

Slip: I just wanna find this tower and be done wit' this.

Mike: Do you think we don't, too? You can't keep runnin' off on your own and actin' all macho n' shit.

Slip: Who's actin'? (Frowns) We goin', or what?

Mike: Let me dry you, before you catch cold.

Slip: *Folds his arms again* Prob'ly too late anyway.

(Mike concentrates. There's a blue light around Slip. When it subsides, he's dry.)

Mike: It's never too late.

Slip: Great. Is that all that was buggin' ya?

Mike: No. You can quit it with the tough guy stuff right here and now. Don't get pissed every time somethin' goes wrong.

Sach: Mike...

Slip: Stuff? What the hell're you talkin' about? This is ME.

Mike: And you have a lot in common with ME. You've gotta stop bein' stubborn and just listen every now and then.

Peter: Slip, we really do have to stay together here.

Slip: Then we'll stay together.

Micky: *Leans over Davy* Kinda like being stuck between a rock and a hard place, ya think? *Davy nods.*

Sach: Can we go, please?

Mike: Yeah. We'll discuss this later. Right now, we don't have the time.

(They all move along. Cut to the woods again. Even with the thinning mist, the woods are still shadowy and spooky. Peter jumps as we hear a howl in the distance.)

Peter: (Gulps) Michael, tell me that was one of your relatives.

Mike: It's probably just someone's dog howlin' at the moon.

Sach: *Holding onto Slip's arm* A BIG dog!

Peter: I wonder if we're ever gonna find this tower.

Mike: I'm sure we'll run into it... (He stop suddenly. His eyes widen.)

Peter: Michael, what?

Mike: (Sniffs wildly) I smell...

Micky: Oh no.

Davy: Those words never mean anything good.

Mike: I smell... (He turns around quickly as his growls are joined by others) wolves.

(Snarling wolf-like creatures walk out of the shadows. They stand upright...but have hair and wolf heads and don't wear clothes.)

Mike: Look, boys, we ain't disruptin' ya. We're just passin' through.

(One wolf leaps for Mike; another leaps for Slip. "Long Title" begins as Mike lets out an equally ferocious roar and fights his attacker off.)

(Peter shoots wolves with his green arrows. They turn into small puppies that bound harmlessly off into the woods.)

*Slip and the werewolf that jump at him roll around on the ground, fighting.*

*Davy and Micky run other werewolves into Peter's line of shot to make more puppies.*

(Peter grins and nods at Micky and Davy. Thanks!)

*Sach climbs into a tree to hide.*

(Micky accidentally runs in Peter's line of fire and gets shot. Peter blushes and picks up the little black puppy. He runs him behind a tree. There's a blue light, and when it subsides, Micky and Peter run back out again. Micky is more than a little annoyed.)

(Mike throws wolves into trees and the ground, but more just keep jumping on him, tearing at him and scratching him. There's a blue light around Mike. When it subsides...he's now in his wolf form. He leaps away from the werewolves, then goes after the one attacking Slip.)

(Mike grabs the wolf attacking Slip and almost literally tears into him, biting his neck and clawing at him.)

*Slip backs off and watches Mike attack the wolf with wide eyes.*

(As the song ends, Mike pulls away from the wolf, which is now quite dead. He snarls at the others, who all retreat instantly. Peter, Micky, and Davy run over to him. Peter's eyes widen.)

Peter: Michael...calm down. I know that look. You don't want to stay a wolf longer than you have to.

(Michael nods, the wild look in his eyes slowly fading. He goes to Peter and pushes his head under his hand. Peter strokes his head.)

Peter: Don't worry, Michael. I'm here. (Looks up at Slip) Are you ok?

Slip: *Despite several cuts* Y-yeah, fine.

*Micky helps Sach out of the tree. Sach runs over to Slip.*

Sach: *As Slip gets up* Chief! *Crushes him in a hug. Slip rolls his eyes.*

(Mike goes to Slip and nudges him. Hey, it's still me.)

Slip: *Pets Mike-wolf's head* Yeah, Mike, I know it's you. I just didn’t expect ya to attack those wolf-men like that.

(There's a blue light around Mike. When it subsides, he's human again. He stands shakily.)

Mike: Sorry there, man. Didn't mean to startle you. I don't think too well when I'm like that.

Sach: But you're a cute doggie.

Mike: (Chuckles) Thanks, man. It's taken me a long time to accept that part of me, and I guess I'm still freaked out about it in some ways.

Peter: Slip, you're bleeding. (Makes a bandage appear) Let me cover your arm...

Slip: *Makes a face* I'm... *sighs* Okay, Peter.

Peter: (He wraps the bandage around his arm) We won't tell the other boys, if that'll make you feel better. I know you like to look tough around them.

Slip: *Quietly to Peter* Thanks.

Peter: You’re welcome.

Mike: Slip, I know this is scary, especially for you n' Sach. You guys ain't used to this crazy shit like we are.

Slip: I didn't say it was scary.

Sach: *Goes to Mike* I's so happy you understand! I've never been this scared before in my life!

Mike: I ain't gonna lie to ya, Sach. I'm scared, too. 'Couple of years ago, I would never have admitted it, but yeah, I am.

Peter: Being scared...well, it's nothing to be afraid of.

Mike: You can admit it, Slip. You're scared, too. Your boys aren't here, an' we understand.

Slip: *Sighs* Do I hafta?

Mike: (Smirks) What are you afraid of?

Slip: *Motions ahead of them* Can we go now?

Mike: (Sighs) Yeah. (He turns to Sach as they all follow Slip into the mist) Is he always this stubborn?

Sach: *Nods* Always.

Mike: (Shakes his head) Why is it that whenever I deal with him, I feel like I'm lookin' into a really short mirror with a New York accent?

Micky: Because it's true?

Mike: (Chuckles) So I've been noticin'. (Nods at Peter and Davy's retreating backs) Come on. Let's catch up with those guys, before we lose them again.

Micky: Let’s.

*A short walk later, Sach gives an excited cheer and runs ahead...towards a candy cottage.*

Slip: SACH! Get back here, you crazy moron! *runs after him*

Mike: What in the...

Peter: Sach, come back! That can't be structurally sound, sitting in the mist like this!

Mike: Probably doesn't taste good, either.

Micky: Oh my goodness... *runs towards the cottage*

Davy: Mick!

Mike: Mick, don't you start, too! (They all go after the very hungry pair.)

(They catch up with the two in front of the candy house. Sach is already working on a huge candy cane that was standing next to the doorway. Micky's eating a piece of the gingerbread roof.)

Peter: I can't believe you're eating that. It has to be all wet and soggy from sitting out in this mist!

Mike: You know, there's somethin' that's really familiar 'bout this whole set-up...

Slip: *Trying to pry Sach away* Sach, get offa that!

Davy: You're right, Mike...

Peter: (Tries to pry Micky away) Mick, save room for the food at the party!

Mike: (His eyes widen) Um, Davy, I think we just read this story to the kids the other night...

Davy: *Snaps his fingers* That's right!

(A plump old woman in a heavy black gown and babushka toddles out. She smacks Sach's hand with her cane.)

Sach: Ow!

Woman: What're you doin' eatin' my house, sonny?

Sach: I'm hungry.

Woman: Well, why didn't you say so? Ol' Grizabel has plenty of vittles inside her house! I'd be more than happy to share them with you and your friends.

Mike: I don't think this is a good idea...

Peter: Well, she doesn't seem like a witch...

Woman: (Toddles over to Slip) I'd especially like to have you for dinner, sonny. You're a nice and plump fellow.

Slip: I bet you would.

Peter: We can only stay for a few moments, ma'am. We're in a terrible hurry.

Grizabel: It won't take very long to eat. (She opens the door to her house to reveal a feast on the table) I always make enough for everyone.

Sach: Food! *Runs inside.*

Slip: SACH! *Runs in after him.*

Mike: Micky Dolenz, don't you dare!

Micky: I want to...I so want to...

Davy: *Grabs Micky's arm* Don't even think about it.

Grizabel: But he so wants to. (Turns to the others) And I'm sure you're all very hungry and thirsty after your long trip.

Mike: Well, I could sorta use a drink...

Micky: Just for a few minutes, Mike, please.

Mike: Well... (sighs) ok. But just for a few minutes.

Grizabel: (She leads the group to the table, which is set up with big decanters of dark juice and every kind of food there is) Eat all you'd like, gentlemen. I have plenty.

Mike: I ain't really hungry. (Takes a glass of the juice) I sure could use some of this, though.

Peter: (He takes dollops of the vegetable dishes) You have excellent honey-glazed carrots.

Davy: *Takes some celery sticks* Nice and fresh.

*Micky and Sach are pigging out.*

Slip: *Also takes some juice* This is crazy...

Mike: (He sips his juice) You're tellin' me.

Grizabel: Please, eat more. Drink more. Have whatever you want. I have plenty.

Mike: There's somethin'... (he yawns heavily) ...seriously wrong here. (His eyes are drooping.)

Peter: (Yawns as well) I feel so sleepy...

Grizabel: (She smirks) Oh yes. There's something very wrong...and you fell for it.

Mike: Guys...get outta here... (He tries to stand, but his limbs are too heavy.)

Peter: (His eyes are closing) Slip...get Sach...get help... (He collapses on the table, finally asleep.)

Slip: *Leans over the table, trying to hold himself up* Tryin'... *goes to turn, but collapses to the floor. Micky and Sach are passed out amongst the food.*

Mike: (He tries to stand, holding onto the chair) Dave...get out...she's a...a... (He finally falls down next to Slip on the floor, asleep.)

*Davy's already snoring faintly.*

Grizabel: (Cackles) Well, what do we have here? Master Belavarg was right. They're all quite lovely. They'll make wonderful gingerbread slaves! (She rubs Slip's arm) Yes, nice and fat. Oh, he'll make a juicy meal for me! (She picks up Mike's arm and rubs it, making a face) This one wouldn't make a tasty meal for an ant! He's all skin and bones! I can't see what Master Belavarg wants with him! (She makes a face and waves her stick over Mike and Slip; they disappear.) I'd better start cleaning up. (Turns to the others and smirks) These idiots will have lots of work to do for Ol' Witch Grizabel tonight!

(Fade out on Grizabel. Fade in on the boys still at the table, though it's now been cleared. We get the blurry point of view of Sach as he opens his eyes...to see Grizabel staring right at him.)

Grizabel: Well? Up and at 'em, you lazy glutton! You have work to do!

Sach: *Blearily* Work? Oh no, I'm havin' a nightmare!

Grizabel: This is no nightmare! (She smacks him over the head with her cane) I want you to do the dishes in the sink while I wake up the others.

Sach: Ow! *rubs his head* But I've never done dishes!

Grizabel: It ain't that hard! (She whacks Micky over the head) You, skinny! Get up! You're gonna help him!

Micky: *Head whips up* I'm up! I'm up! *makes a face* Help him with what?

Grizabel: You know how to do dishes, sonny?

Micky: I have four kids. What do you think?

Grizabel: Then help him to do it. (Yanks both out of their chairs and pushes them towards the sink) Now get moving!

Micky: Okay, okay! You don't have to be so rough! *takes Sach's arm* Come on, Sach. You can dry the dishes.

*Sach nods, whimpering.*

Grizabel: (She whacks Peter and Davy over the heads) You two, go to the stack of firewood next to the big ovens outside and start buildin' a fire in the oven. I wanna make sure it's nice and hot, so I can start my dinner.

Peter: Ow! (His head slams on the table; rubs his head) What's going on?

Davy: Ow! *groans*

Grizabel: Get goin', you two! (Yanks them both and shoves them at the door) I want the oven to be nice and hot, so I can cook my little plump man for dinner...and then make some nice gingerbread slaves.

Peter: (He gulps as they almost fall out the door) Oh Davy, we made a grave mistake letting Sach and Micky talk us into this!

Davy: You're telling me! *pauses, making a face* Wait, what did she say she was cooking for dinner?

Peter: A plump... (Eyes widen) Oh Davy, she's going to eat SLIP for dinner!

Davy: That's what I thought I heard. And she's gonna turn the rest of us into slaves!

Peter: We have to do something!

Mike: Guys! (That's when we see that there's a wooden cage built near the oven. Mike and Slip are imprisoned inside.) Over here!

Davy: Bloody hell.

Slip: Get us outta here!

Peter: Michael! Slip! (They run over to them.) What happened?

Mike: We ain't sure. All we know is that we woke up in here, with that witch cacklin' bout how she's gonna turn me over to her master and roast Slip over easy.

Slip: She ain't doin' nutin' to me.

Davy: There has to be a way to get this cage open.

Peter: (Turns to Davy) Do you remember how Gretel defeated the witch in the story of "Hansel and Gretel?"

Davy: *Nods* Yeah. They tricked her into bending over to look in the oven, then pushed her in.

Peter: You think this witch would fall for that?

Mike: It's worth a try.

Davy: Won't know unless we do.

Slip: I don't care what works, as long as she don't get the chance to barbecue me.

Grizabel: (She leans out the door; Micky and Sach lean over her shoulder) What's takin' you boys so long?

Peter: We, uh....couldn't find the firewood.

Grizabel: (Points to the stack of wood laying against the wall on the side of the house) I told you imbeciles before, it's right there! You got marbles for eyes?

Peter: I don't pay attention very well.

Grizabel: Well, learn to! (She waddles over to the two in the cage) And how are my two little birdies?

Mike: Wantin' to get outta here.

Slip: Pissed off.

Grizabel: (Smirks at Mike) You'll be out of here when Master comes to get you. (Turns her smirk to Slip) And you're going to be having a very hot time as soon as those idiots behind me get the fire going.

Slip: *Reaches through the cage* C'mere!

Grizabel: (His Slip's hand with her cane) Naughty naughty, Sonny, attacking an old woman.

Slip: *Rubs his hand* I'll show you attackin'!

Peter: (He and the other three go to Grizabel) Ma'am, we don't really know how to make a fire.

Mike: (Smirks) Trust me, they ain't Boy Scouts.

Grizabel: How could you not? You have the sticks, and they should be dry enough to rub...

Peter: We can't tell if they're hot enough!

Davy: That's right. We need someone who knows how hot they should be to check them.

Grizabel: Land's sakes, are you all dumb AND blind! Why, any fool could tell you how hot it is in there! (Waves her stick at Sach as he and Micky come outside) Even he could!

Sach: *Shakes his head* I'm cold all the time.

Slip: Come on, you don't wanna burn me, do ya?

Grizabel: I'm surrounded by fools! (She leans into the oven) It seems hot enough in here to me!

Peter: Ok, guys, everyone PUSH! (They all shove as hard as they can against her rear. They finally succeed in shoving her into the big adobe-shaped oven.) Sach, Micky, get the door!

*Micky and Sach close the door and latch it.*

Peter: (The house and the cage seem to melt away before their eyes) It all must have been an illusion created by her magic. Without her, it has no reason to exist.

Micky: *Sighs* Well, I feel stupid.

Mike: Now do you understand why we're always tellin' you to watch what you put in your mouth?

Peter: (Sighs) Don't feel too bad, Micky. We all fell for it.

Slip: I only went in to reprieve Sach.

Mike: You drank the juice, too.

Slip: Didn't ya want me to be more like you? You were drinkin' it.

Mike: Not that much like me!

Peter: (He makes the flashlights appear) As much as I hate to disrupt this fascinating argument, we really do need to get moving.

Slip: *Continues* You'll be happy to know that I'm not goin' off alone this time.

Mike: (Nods) Good. We have no idea of where we are or where we're goin'. We might not even be in California anymore. Workin' together is gonna be crucial.

Peter: (Grins at Sach) And this is the kind of work that's good.

*Slip mocks Mike behind his back, which makes Micky grin.*

Mike: (Not paying attention to Slip) Come on, men. (He starts off first.)

Peter: (Sighs; to Slip) Don't mind Michael. He's just used to being our Chief.

Slip: YOUR Chief, not mine. *follows after Mike*

Micky: *Joins Peter* I think we may have an explosion on our hands soon.

Peter: (Nods) I just hope it doesn't result in any of us getting hurt, including the battling Chiefs.

Micky: No kidding.

Peter: Come on. Let's catch up with those two, before another witch gets ideas and they end up in a cage again.

Micky: We don't need that again.

(The two hurry after Mike and Slip, followed by Davy and Sach, as we fade out on the clearing and the full moon shining on the adobe oven.)