Well, why don't we get started on the assault on the Blue Olive? Everyone ready?

Micky: You bet!

Peter: (Wails) I'm ready, but Michael's gone! :( :o

Davy: I'm ready.

Lauren: I'm ready, too.

(Fade out on Mike and the showgirls. Fade back in on the hallway where Kitty Marmalade lead Mike and Peter. Honeywell, Davy, Valerie, and the remaining Abbies walk quietly down the hall, keeping an eye out for anything suspicious.

Honeywell: Anyone seen anything yet?

Valerie: (Shakes her head) Just darkness.

Jenny: I can hardly see my hand in front of my face. :P

Maxine: Hey, why don't we pull out those frisbee-jewel-finding-things?

Davy: If we can find THOSE. :p

Honeywell: Actually, that's not a bad idea. (Digs into a large, black bag he carries and emerges with three frisbee/metal detectors. He hands one to Daphne, one to Davy, and keeps the third for himself)

Davy: Cool! (Holds it up like he's going to throw it) Daphne, catch! ;)

Honeywell: (Grabs his hand) Jones, that is NOT a toy! :p

Davy: I was jokin', mate. I saw the demonstration at your 'eadquartahs. (He pushes the button and pulls the rod open.)

Daphne: This really is a great device. *pushes the button and pulls the rod open*

Honeywell: Mr. Desmond rendered them so they'll shake and give off a faint buzz when you find something, instead of making noise, like normal metal detectors do.

Valerie: (Dreamy) Yeah, it's nice. (Sighs)

Maxine: We're losing Val again. (Nudges her gently in the arm) Hey, Val, wake up! :p

Davy: Val, you've got to stop spacing out! :p

Valerie: I'm sorry, but my mind's really been occupied lately.

Honeywell: I understand that you're excited about having your first child, but you DID insist on coming, so could you please concentrate on the matter at hand? :p

Valerie: (Sighs again) I'll try.

(The group keeps walking down the hallway. Maxine and Jenny walk on either side of Valerie, while Honeywell, Davy, and Daphne hold the detectors to the walls and floor, trying to get a reading.)

Maxine: Found anything yet?

Honeywell: No, nothing.

Daphne: Me neither. :P

Davy: Or me...(the machine begins to vibrate in his hands)...wait! I'm gettin' somethin'!

(The others follow Davy to a door. The detector shakes so hard, the vibrating is now visable.)

Davy: This must be where the jewels are!

Daphne: I hope so! ;)

Honeywell: (Pulls a pencil out of the bag) This should do the trick.

Maxine: Um, Inspector Honeywell, I hate to point out the obvious, but...that's a pencil.

Honeywell: It isn't just a pencil. (Pushes on the eraser - a small blade pops out) It's a Swiss army knife. This thing has more accessories than a fashion doll's wardrobe.

Valerie: That's awesome!

Davy: Wouldn't Micky get a kick out of THAT! ;)

Daphne: Probably the best reason for him to NOT get a hold of it. ;)

(Honeywell jiggles the pencil/knife in the lock for a few minutes. There's a "click," and the lock opens.)

Honeywell: (Grins) Got it. (Opens the door) Shall we?

(The group steps into total darkness. There's the sound of fumbling and cursing...along with snickering and faint groans.)

Maxine: Who's there?

Davy: Ow! I stubbed me bloody toe! :p

(Valerie flips the lights. Davy is sprawled over a chair, jumping up and down and cursing a blue streak. Dexi and Lexi stand on the other side of the room, with Mike between them. Mike is bound hand and foot with the tape from the spools he'd originally put on the machine and gagged with a wide silk sash. Women in the tight, black jumpsuits recline in various spots around the room, chuckling at the surprised group.)

Lexi: Well, look what's joined us!

Dexi: The freakin' CIS! (Smirks) Hiring them kinda young, ain't ya, copper?

Valerie: Mike! :o

Honeywell: (Eyes narrow) Release that boy and give back the jewels. We know they're here.

Daphne: *grins; punches a fist in her other hand* Or else. ;) :P

(The women start to crowd around them.)

Lexi: Oh, we're scared.

Dexi: You won't try anything with us if you don't want your snooping friend here to get hurt!

(The other women surround Honeywell and the kids. Mike struggles and snarls under the heavy silk sash.)

Honeywell: Where's the jewels?

Lexi: What's it to you, copper?

Dexi: They're in a safe place. That's all you need to know.

(Mike tries to nod at the tarp-covered shape in the middle of the room.)

Honeywell: (Nods at Valerie) Valerie, get out of here. This may get ugly. Jenny, go with her. Call the other groups on your walkie-talkies and tell them to get to the top floor, fourth room on the left.

Valerie: (Nods) Come on, Jen.

Jenny: *nods* Right!

Lexi: Oh no, you don't!

Lexi and Dexi: (In unison; to the other women) Attack them!

Lexi: And get the two who just left!

Dexi: I'll get him (nudges Mike with her spike heel; he glares) out of here. You handle this crowd.

Lexi: Sure. Shouldn't be hard. ;)

*Daphne growls.* :P

(Mike shakes his head angrily, but Dexi easily throws the lanky young musician over her shoulder.)

Honeywell: Stop her!

(Dexi pushes past Honeywell, still carrying the struggling Mike, as "Sweet Young Thing" begins. Two women leap for Honeywell...but get quite a shock. He grins and reveals joy buzzers hidden in rings on his fingers. ;) )

(Four of the women follow Dexi and Mike...who, in turn, are being followed by Valerie and Jenny. Jenny goes after Dexi, but is tackled one of the women and Lexi. One woman clamps her hand over Valerie's mouth before she can reach for her walkie-talkie. The other yanks her arms behind her back. A silk scarf is stuffed in her mouth. The women pick her up and carry her after Mike and Dexi.)

(Honeywell tries to reach for his walkie-talkie, but one of the women hits him over the head with a chair and knocks him cold.)

*Jenny is attempting to fight off both women, but isn't doing very well.*

(Maxine pushes her way outside and sees Jenny being attacked. She rolls up the sleeves of her black blouse and literally jumps into the fray. ;) )

(Another woman chases Davy around the chemistry set. Davy stops, smells a beaker of fluid, and hands it to the woman. She takes a drink and suddenly gasps and goes into spasms as he sneaks away.)

*Daphne pushes her way out literally launches herself into the fight, joining Jenny and Maxine on top of the pair outside.* ;)

(Davy tries to help Honeywell to his feet, but he's still woozy. He punches out another woman, but has to drop Honeywell to do so. He happily returns to unconciousness.)

(There's a scream from the chemistry set. The woman who drank the fluid now has scaly skin and long nails and looks like a fish monster from a B horror film. The woman chases Davy with another beaker of fluid, trying to get HIM to drink it.)

*Daphne hears the fracas and goes after the fish woman.* :P

(Maxine and Jenny finally stand. Lexi and the other woman are bound and gagged with cord taken from their utility belts and the labs. The girls grin and shake hands. ;) )

(The fish woman waves a beaker of fluid in Daphne's face, but she swats her hand, knocking the fluid into her hair. Her hair sprouts mushrooms. The fish woman bursts into tears.)

*Daphne rolls her eyes at the crying.* :P

(Daphne and Davy finally chase most of the women out to the hall. The duo, Jenny, and Maxine return to the labs as the music ends and Honeywell starts to come to again.)

Honeywell: (Rubs his head and groans) What happened?

Maxine: Congradulations, Inspector. You now have first-hand knowledge of the destructive properties of a metal chair. ;) :p

Davy: They 'it you and went aftah us! :p

Honeywell: (Jenny and Daphne help him to his feet) My head feels like it ran into a brick wall. Repeatedly. :p

Jenny: Yeah, it's gonna feel like that for a while. :P

Maxine: We got two of the women, but Dexi the Psychotic Showgirl took off with Mike, and two more of them grabbed Valerie.

Honeywell: Valerie?

Davy: Petah Tork's wife. (Growls) More to the point, 'is PREGNANT wife. X( :p

Honeywell: Oh, shit, we lost HER? I knew we shouldn't have brought her here! :p

Jenny: We've gotta find her!

Honeywell: I’ll tell the others that they know we're here. (Takes his walkie-talkie) Red Leader, this is Gold Leader.

Broderick: Copy, Gold Leader. This is Red Leader. We're on the roof. We're about to infiltrate the building via a trap door in the roof.

Honeywell: Red Leader, be careful! The perpetrators know we're here! We found what looks like a labratory and the location of the jewels, but we lost a pregnant member of the group, and an ally was apparently uncovered by the perpetrators and is now in their hands.

Broderick: We'll be careful, Gold Leader! We know what we're doing.

Honeywell: Not with THIS. The perpetrators are all females in short, skimpy sequined showgirl costumes or black jumpsuits.

Broderick: (Audible leer) Tell me more about these perpetrators. ;) :X

Daphne: *mutters* Oh brother. :P

Honeywell: Red Leader, get your mind out of your crotch and concentrate on the matter at hand. These women are dangerous, and in some cases, armed. We have one of the ringleaders, but there are at least three other known ringleaders still out there, including Darwin.

Broderick: Did you find the jewels?

Honeywell: (Frowns) You know, that's the funny thing. The detectors lead us to the lab, but I don't see a jewel anywhere, just chemicals, tubes, bunson burners, microscopes, and the like.

Daphne: What about that thing in the middle of the room?

Broderick: What thing in the middle of the room?

Honeywell: There's an unknown object in the middle of the lab. We haven't inspected it yet.

Broderick: Unknown object?

Maxine: (Nods) It sorta looks like a TV antenna.

Davy: Why don't we check it out?

Daphne: I'm game.

Honeywell: If it'll find the jewels, I'm game, too.

(The group walks back into the labs. Davy and Daphne each grab a section of the tarp and pull it off...to reveal a huge satellite-like object with jewels embedded into it attached to a computer and a tape player. The player is set with the spools Mike had tried to replace.)

Honeywell: (Into the walkie-talkie) We found the jewels...but they’re set into what looks like Rube Goldberg's idea of a tape recorder. :p

Davy: Maybe Darwin's making the latest thing in recording equipment? :)

Maxine: Then why all this sneaking around and stealing and hurting innocent kids?

Honeywell: (Into the walkie-talkie) Broderick, get your men down as fast as you can. There's something going on down here, and I DON'T think it involves recording today's hits and yesterday's favorites. :p

Broderick: Over and out, Gold Leader. We're going now.

Honeywell: (Puts the walkie-talkie back) Let's get out of here and question Lexi and her friend, before her sister decides to return for the rest of us.

(They put the tarp back on the antenna and return to the hall, where Lexi and the other woman squirm in their cords. :p)

Honeywell: (Gets on his knees and pulls of Lexi's gag) Ok, young lady, we can do this the easy way, or we can do this the hard way. Where did your sister take Michael Nesmith, and what's the antenna for?

Lexi: Do you really think we'd tell you?

Daphne: You never know. ;) :P

Honeywell: It'll help you and your friend if you cooperate. Your boss is up to something big with that gewgaw he's got in there.

Lexi: Of course, he is! Who do you think designed it?

Other Woman: (Daphne pulls off her gag) We're scientists and lab workers!

Lexi: The nightclub gig is our after-hours job.

Other Woman: What, did you assume we were all bimbos?

Jenny: Well...

Maxine: (Grins) Hey, Jenny, do you have any paint on you? ;)

Davy: Wot ARE you girls doin'?

Jenny: *pulls some paint containers from her belt* You have to ask? ;)

Daphne: You'll see, Dave. ;)

Maxine: (Goes into Honeywell's bag and retrieves the Swiss army pencil; retracts a pair of scissors and a nail file) Why don't Jenny and I show Miss Lexi here how we Abbies...pretty ourselves up? (Turns to Daphne) Daph, you show the other young lady how an Abby keeps fit. ;)

*Daphne goes to the other women and looms over her. She grins, then pounces on her, using every wrestling move she knows.* ;)

Lexi: (Narrows her eyes) What in the HELL are you doing?

Jenny: We're gonna make you beautiful. ;)

Maxine: (Grins wickedly) Come on, Jen. Let's give Miss Lexi the Scientist a scientific makeover. ;)

Lexi: (Eyes widen) WHAT? :o

(Maxine and Jenny jump on Lexi. We see hair and feathers flying and hear screaming for the next minute. When Maxine and Jenny move, they're grinning at their handiwork.)

Maxine: (Holds a length of long, silky pale blond hair in her hands) What do you think, Jen? Maybe she needs more paint?

Jenny: Hmmm...maybe just a tad more. ;)

(The girls lean over Lexi again. She screams, but the screams are quickly muffled.)

*When the girls move again, we see Lexi, minus most of her hair. What's left is uneven and several different colors. Her face looks like a compact exploded and she'd need turpentine to remove the painted "make up." Her fluttery eyelashes have been snipped off, and her lips are coated with black goo. She has stripes painted on her, along with swirls, paisleys, and peace signs in a multitude of colors.* ;)

(Maxine files down Lexi’s long fingernails to nubs with the nail file. Jenny adds the finishing touches to her masterwork. ;) )

Maxine: What do you think? Doesn't she looks so much better? ;)

Jenny: Gorgeous. ;)

Lexi: (Wails) What have you DONE? I can't go onstage like this! :((

Maxine: Just tell us what we want to know, and we'll stop. (Tugs at one of Lexi’s uneven, now reddish strands) Unless you want to look even lovelier.

Lexi: (Sobs) Anything! ANYTHING! Just stop it! :((

Honeywell: So, you're ready to talk now? (Nods at the other woman, whom Daphne still sits on) What about her?

Daphne: I think she's had enough. ;)

Lexi: She doesn't know anything. She's just one of the hired help. My sister and I are the people who helped create the Music Changer 2000.

Davy: (Frowns) The...wot?

Lexi: It uses music to soothe and distract. The device beams in on a certain area...say, a discoteque...and changes the music and speech from what's playing to something quieter, more appropriate.

Maxine: (Makes a face) Depends on your idea of appropriate. :p

Lexi: The waves are transmitted and refracted by the light coming from the jewels. Our boss was going to broadcast his own music...and encourage the patrons to lead more productive lives.

Davy: More likely to do wot 'e bloody wants them to do. We've dealt with mind control before. :p

Lexi: No, it's not like that at all! He wants to help them, to make them better!

Daphne: Yeah, right. :P

Honeywell: At any rate, young woman, you're under arrest for espionage and accessory to grand theft, and the other woman for assaulting an officer in the course of his duties.

(Broderick and a group of five men appear at this point, all dressed in black and wearing belts.)

Broderick: Gold Leader, we took a few wrong turns, and...(frowns at Daphne, who's still sitting on the lab worker, and Lexi, who sobs into her paint-covered hands) What happened here? She looks like an explosion in a psychadelic poster factory.

Jenny: Thank you! ;)

Maxine: We made her prettier. ;)

(Lexi just cries harder. :(( )

Honeywell: (Nods at Lexi and woman, both of whom are being dragged to their feet by Maxine and Daphne, respectively) These two are under arrest. Have some of your men take them back to the cars and to the station. The others will work on dismantling the machine in the lab. According to this young woman (indicates the bawling Lexi), it uses music to brainwash and subdue large crowds.

Lexi: I can't believe you did this to me! I hope my sister and our boss turns that damn Nesmith's mind into mush! X(

Davy: (Narrows his eyes) Wot are they gonna do to poor Mike?

Lexi: He's gonna be the first human experiment. >:)

Honeywell: (Frowns) That does it. We've GOT to find Tork, Mrs. Tork, and Nesmith, and NOW. (To Broderick) Get those two (indicates Lexi and the lab worker) out of here.

Broderick: (Grins and takes Lexi's arm) Right away, boss! :D ;)

Lexi: (Struggles as Broderick handcuffs her) Don't touch me! X(

Jenny: I think he's enjoying that a bit too much. ;) :P

Broderick: I think you're beautiful. :D :X

Lexi: (Frowns) You do?

Broderick: You'll look even nicer next to me in my company car. :X

(Lexi groans as Broderick pulls her away, followed by the lab worker and the other men.)

Davy: (Grins) That should be a worse punishment for that git than even we could dish out! ;)

Maxine: Come on, guys! Val, Pete, and Mike are still out there!

Honeywell: Right. Let's go, kids.

(Fade out on Honeywell, Davy, and the Abbies, as they wander into the darkness. Fade in on Peter, who brushes his hair in a fair-sized room tastefully decorated in soft shades of blue. Peter now wears a plain orange button-down shirt with blue slacks, good shoes, his favorite mis-matched socks, and his beads...including the string with the recording pendant. He brushes his hair, frowning.)

Peter: (Picks up a pillow) I wish you were Valerie, or Michael, or my bear. Michael disappeared, and I have no idea where he went! He was there one minute, gone the next! (Hugs the pillow hard) There’s something wrong with Valerie. I can feel her fear...or maybe that's my fear. (Cries softly into the pillow as the door opens and Kitty Marmalade enters, clad in a long, champagne colored, halter-top satin evening gown.)

Kitty: Awe, what’s wrong? You don't like the room? ;) :P

Peter: (blushes and puts down the pillow) The aura is so strange. It's kind of dark, very negative.

Kitty: Poor dear. :P

Peter: Have you seen Michael? I thought he was behind me, but I haven't seen him since you came for us in the first room.

Kitty: *shakes her head* No, I haven't seen him. He must've lost his way.

Peter: Maybe someone should find him. He might be hurt or afraid, and he'll probably want some dinner.

Kitty: I'll get someone to look for him. I'll bet he's wondering where you are, too.

Peter: Well, I'm here, and I'm ok. Just a little scared. (Frowns) What does Mr. Darwin want with me? I'm just a musician.

Kitty: That's exactly why he wants you. Mr. Darwin is working on a music device that will help people relax while listening, and he needs input from musicians.

Peter: Really? (Frowns) What about my statue? He's really scared, too. I could tell when I got him out of the hotel safe.

Kitty: Your statue is just fine. Don't you worry about him. *pauses* Now, dinner is almost ready. Mr. Darwin will explain his device and how you can help him while we eat.

Peter: Ok. (Rubs his stomach) I AM sort of hungry.

(He follows Kitty Marmalade to the other end of the hall. We now hear the theme from "From Russia With Love" playing under the hall on the Blue Olive's bandstand. Peter quickly touches his pendant, pushing a button that turns on the tape player.)

Peter: (Looking around) You know, this is a groovy hide-out you have here. No one would ever think to look for jewel robbers in a fancy nightclub!

Kitty: Why, thank you!

Peter: I'll bet it took you and Mr. Darwin a long time to think of it.

Kitty: A very long time! *grins evilly* It's the perfect cover, really.

Peter: I'll bet you and Mr. Darwin have worked on your ideas for stealing jewels for a long time too, right?

Kitty: Of course! You have to make sure that the plans are perfect, so that nothing goes wrong.

Peter: Who is Mr. Darwin, anyway?

Kitty: *gives him an odd look* He's Darwin. You sure have an awful lot of questions. :P

Peter: (Shrugs) I just want to know things. (Grins) Comes with being a Monkee. ;) :D

Kitty: Hmm. Well, if you have any more questions, you can ask Mr. Darwin. He's waiting for us.

(They come to a set of double-doors at the end of the hallway. Kitty opens the doors to reveal a huge dining room done in soft beige and pale peach. The long, beige damask-covered table is laden with all kinds of food. A white-clad arm can be seen taking long drags of a cigarrette in a gold holder. The smoke wreathes the chair. The occupant is otherwise unseen.)

Peter: (Looks around, mouth open) Wow! This sure is a crazy place you have here, Mr. Darwin!

Darwin: (His voice is familiar) Thank you, my boy.

(A woman worker ducks into the room and whispers something into Kitty's ear.)

Darwin: What is it, Miss Marmalade?

Kitty: Ahh, we have another guest for dinner. ;)

Darwin: Most unexpected, Miss Marmalade.

Kitty: I believe I'll go make them feel...welcome. ;)

Peter: (Smiles hopefully) They found Michael? :)

Kitty: *smiles at Peter as she passes him* Cute. *heads for the door to the hall*

Darwin: (Chuckles as Peter blushes) Don't you worry about Mr. Nesmith, my dear Mr. Tork. We have him all taken care of. ;)

Peter: (Gulps) I hope you haven't hurt him.

Darwin: Far from it. (Gestures with his visable hand) Join me for dinner, Mr. Tork. There's too much here for me to eat alone, and I would feel like a very poor host if I didn't offer you SOMETHING.

Peter: Well, ok. (Sits down and gets settled) Mr. Darwin... (his mouth drops in shock as he looks up, and the camera pans to Darwin...and reveals Eric Kendred in a white tuxedo, carrying a gold holder and grinning) You! You're that mean critic! You were nasty to my friends, and you gave the Abbies and us negative reviews! :o :p

Kendred: Not negative, my young friend. Truthful.

Peter: We play GOOD music, and so do the Abbies!

Kendred: It's not music as I or anyone else knows it.

Peter: It's music as WE know it.

Kendred: You're just another group of long-haired hippies who regards noise about peace and love as quality music.

Peter: We are NOT! We're GOOD musicians! And what's wrong with the hippie movement? We're doing good things, and we're creating our own culture, which is more than your generation ever did! :p

Kendred: We're not looting, burning, starting riots, or writing noisy trash. :p

Peter: Rock isn't noisy trash to me, or to my friends. It's not all alike, either. Saying that all rock is the same is to say that all jazz songs or classical pieces are the same. Every song is different, and the ways people interpret them are different, too.

Kendred: (Shakes his head) Most rock music makes no sense. It's poorly rhymed, poorly structured, and encourages disruptive behavior.

Peter: I've read about a time where ragtime, jazz, and big-band music were considered to have the same disruptive qualities. (Starts to eat his salad) Now they're all respectable.

Kendred: Because they're normal.

Peter: Because they were absorbed into the culture at large. Rock hasn't done that yet. (Eats his salad)

Kendred: It never will, either. (Sips a glass of wine poured by one of the women in black jumpsuits) Did you know, Mr. Tork, that rock music is banned in Iron Curtain countries as being detrimental to youth?

Peter: (Nods and sips a glass of water, pointedly ignoring the champagne offered him) Yes, I did know that. I'm not just a stupid kid, you know. I went to college. (Mutters to himself) Three times. :p

Kendred: That's not what I've heard, Mr. Tork. My...associates...tell me you're a bit...

Peter: (Makes a face) Dumb?

Kendred: Gullible. Naive.

Peter: Maybe I am about some things, Mr Kendred or Darwin or whoever you are, but NEVER about music. Music is my life. It's one of the things I live for.

Kendred: What are the other things, Mr. Tork?

Peter: (Shrugs and starts in on a roll) Love, peace, happiness, my friends and family. Same things as everybody.

Kendred: (Kitty Marmalade comes in and leans over Kendred, whispering something in his ear that makes him grin preditorily) Would one of those things include your wife, Mr. Tork?

Peter: (Nods, frowning) Yes, well, naturally. I love her a lot. She IS my wife.

Kendred: Odd that you should be married. From what I've heard, your generation has eschewed such conventional notions as marriage.

Peter: We had to get married. Her dad wouldn't let us live together if we didn't. He's kind of old-fashioned.

Kendred: I see nothing wrong with that. (Nods at Kitty) She's all cleaned up, then? ;)

Kitty: All ready. ;)

Peter: Who's cleaned up?

Kendred: (To Kitty, ignoring Peter) Bring her in.

Peter: Her who?

Kitty: I'll be right back. ;) *heads back out the door*

Peter: What's going on?

Kendred: Our unexpected guest is going to join us for dinner. She's quite the little debutante, from what I've heard, and a very attractive young woman. ;) >:)

Peter: Oh? Who is she?

Kitty: *enters the room again, this time bringing Valerie with her* Here's our other guest of honor. ;)

Peter: (Stands in surprise) Valerie! :o

Valerie: Peter! You're all right! (She wears a long, trailing white gown with a loose, revealing halter top and a diamond choker and earrings) I thought they'd killed you or taken you prisoner, like Mike! (She starts for him, but Kitty Marmalade takes her arm sharply.)

Peter: Let her go! :o

Kitty: No. :P

Kendred: Why don't we finish our little dinner first, Mr. and (turns his predatory grin to Valerie) Mrs. Tork?

Peter: Not unless you release Valerie! You might hurt her or the baby! :((

Kendred: (Smile widens) So, the young woman IS with child. Well, well, this changes things. ;)

(Kitty pulls Valerie to the table and gently pushes her into the chair next to Eric Kendred, then sits next to her.)

Valerie: (Looks wistfully across the table at her husband) Peter...

Peter: Val, I won't let them hurt you or our child. (Tries to take her hand, but Kitty Marmalade slaps it away.)

Kendred: Enough, all of you. Eat your dinners. I have something I wish for both of you to see after you finish. ;)

Peter: (Pushes his dinner away) I'm not hungry anymore.

Valerie: I wasn’t hungry to begin with. :P

Kendred: Come, come, my boy. My cook slaved all day making these fine dishes for you and your friend. The least you can do is try to do them justice.

Peter: I don't want to do them justice! I just wanna go home with Valerie and Michael and play music! :((

Kendred: Get a hold of yourself, Mr. Tork. You're behaving like a three-year old.

Valerie: Maybe, but he's right. I just want to go home, too. :P

Peter: Why are you doing this, anyway? Why did you steal those jewels? What's the big deal with them?

Kendred: They'll allow me to live a dream of mine, Mr. Tork. I will create an army of youths who will live the way I believe they should live...quietly, sensibly, and under wraps.

Peter: What do you mean?

Kendred: Your little statue holds the final three pieces of my great experiment. When they're in place, I'll be able to utilitilize the light waves created by those jewels to target places where young people waste their time, like say, oh, discoteques.

Peter: One in particular, I'll bet. :p :(

Kendred: The light waves will broadcast my music and messages through the discoteque's system. The children bumping and having sex there will instantly do what they are told to do. There'll be no more fussing, no more of this hippie, free-love, psychadelic nonsense. They'll do anything they're told to do. (Smiles evilly) Perhaps even take over certain govenment systems. And if they fail, they and the buildings, government and discoteques alike, will be destroyed by the built-in laser beam. >:)

Peter: (Gasps) You're mad! :o

Kendred: Am I, Mr. Tork?

Peter: (Stands) Come on, Val. We've got to get out of here! He's gone crazy! (Looks at Kitty Marmalade) You'd better too, Miss Kitty! He may turn on you next!

Kendred: Now, why would I do that? Miss Marmalade has been in on this from the first. She's my trusted associate.

Kitty: *smirks* He can't possibly turn on me. ;) :P

Peter: (He starts for Valerie...but she squeals. Kitty Marmalade holds a sharp steak knife to her neck) Valerie!

Kendred: Move another inch, Mr. Tork, and your precious wife will join the filet mignon on the table.

Peter: Val! Please, let her go! I don't care about the jewels, or anything else, but don't hurt her! :(( :o

Valerie: Peter! (Gasps as Kitty presses the knife further into her neck, drawing a thin trickle of blood)

Kendred: I think not, Mr. Tork. You both know far too much. Mr. Nesmith, too.

(A vase suddenly smashes down on Peter's head. Peter falls unconcious, revealing Dexi behind him.)

Dexi: (Kicks Peter) That's for Lexi! (Turns to the others) Lexi's gone. I think the cops got her.

Kendred: Calm down, Dr. McKinley. You'll have your chance to get your revenge on this vulnerable child and his meddling friends. (Dexi takes Peter in her arms) You and Kitty dispose of Mr. Tork. I don't want his wife harmed, however.

Valerie: No!

Dexi: (Growls) I'll kill him AND his friend if anything's happened to Lexi! X(

Kendred: Miss Marmalade, let’s find an...interesting...way of eliminating the meddling Mr. Tork, and make sure his wife sees his painful demise. ;)

Kitty: Right, Mr. Darwin. ;) >:)

Kendred: (Turns his evil smile to Valerie) Don't you worry, my dear. You're perfectly safe. Kitty and the lab workers will keep a close eye on you. I'll need you and Mr. Nesmith for a little...experiment. >:)

Valerie: Experiment? NO!

Kendred: Yes, experiment, Mrs. Tork. You and that little one are going to be thinking the thoughts I want you to think, doing the things I want you to do...and listening to the music all the world should be listening to. Things should never have changed.

Valerie: You ARE mad! :P

Kendred: Have I gone mad, Mrs. Tork? Or is it the world that's gone mad? (Nods at Peter and Valerie) Get them out of here. I need to work on the finishing touches of my way of controling the very fabric of our society. ;)

(Dexi and Kitty take the Torks out of the dining room. Kendred watches them and goes to a window, still smiling his evil smile. He takes a long drag from his gold cigarrette holder as the scene fades out.)