
Ok, no more depressing stuff. Let's finish this story off. Everyone ready? :)

Lauren: Yeah! :)

Mike: Ready, darlin'.

Davy: I'm ready, too. :)

Micky: Ready & rarin'! ;)

(Peter just sighs. :X )

(We begin in the Pad. Emma is laying on the couch, reading and looking annoyed. Mike is sitting at the bandstand, playing "Magnolia Simms." Davy is doing dishes in the kitchen while Micky puts the last of the food in the refrigerator and Lauren comes out with more books.)

Emma: (Sighs) Guys, thanks for the tacos, but I'm pregnant, not disabled.

Mike: (As the song ends) You've gotta start stayin' off your feet more, darlin'. Ain't good for you or the baby.

Lauren: Em, you do have to admit that being waited on IS kinda nice. *grins* ;)

Emma: (Mutters, but a small smile plays on the corner of her mouth) Sometimes. :)

Micky: *leaves the fridge; mouth full* Sometimes? ;)

Lauren: Mick, you're supposed to be putting the food in the fridge, NOT your stomach. :P ;)

*Micky shrugs & drapes an arm around her shoulders.* ;)

Mike: Mick, leave us SOME leftovers, please.

Davy: Remembah, we've got someone who's eatin' for two 'ere! (Indicates Emma with a soapy finger; she makes a face)

Micky: Sorry. :">

Bert: How's the baby coming, anyway?

Emma: (Makes a face, then sighs) She's ok, except for the occasional kicking and punching the ribs to remind me she's a Nesmith. And she eats more than Micky and the twins put together! :p

Mike: (Grins) She's our little cowgirl, Em. You think she'll come quietly? ;)

Davy: We'll be lucky if she wants to come out at all when it's time. ;)

Mike: What kinda crack was that? If she's gotta come out, she's gotta come out!

Micky: She'll come out when she's ready. ;)

Emma: (Sighs) With my luck, I'll be in labor for DAYS. :p

Lauren: You'll be okay, Em. :)

Bob: Where's Peter?

Mike: On his honeymoon. He's livin' with Valerie and her dad in the mansion until the Montgomery House is finished. ;)

Bert: This story marked the third tale of a wedding that almost doesn't come to be in the series. How did it feel to do this wedding story, as opposed to the ones in "Head Trip" or "The Devil and Michael Nesmith?"

Mike: We've never done somethin' so high class before.

Davy: Showed them blue-bloods a good time, we did. ;)

Lauren: *glances at Micky* And found out just how INSANE some people can be. ;) :P

Micky: What? ;)

Emma: Man, I had to miss most of the wedding. :p

Davy: Mick, you're the one who shows up in a feathah boa and dress!

Micky: It worked! :P

Mike: I liked the looks on some of the crowd's faces when he jumped off the cart and started dancin' with some of the men. ;)

Emma: (Eyes widen) What? Geez, what ELSE did I miss?

Mike: Pete's heroics. Man, do we all owe him one!

Lauren: He was amazing!

Davy: (Wipes his hands and joins the crowd in the living room) Pete fired an arrow that startled Ronnie enough to break 'is watch and then swung into the crowd and knocked ovah the guards!

Emma: PETER? Our Peter?

Mike: People do weird things for love, Em.

Micky: I think just about all of us have proven that. ;)

Davy: No kiddin'.

(The door opens at this point, and Peter enters, beaming...no, practically glowing. He plops on a chair near the bandstand, his mouth set in a big grin.)

Peter: (Dreamy) Hi, guys.

Mike: (Grins) Had a good time?

Peter: Uh-huh. :X

Micky: *lecherous grin* Oh, yeeeeah! :D ;)

Emma: Somebody's happy. ;)

Davy: 'E's really 'appy. ;)

Bert: As well he should be, after the last set!

Lauren: No kidding.

Bob: Peter, how does it feel to be married?

Peter: (Sighs) Groovy... :D :X

Mike: Pete's on Cloud Nine right now, Bob. He’ll get back to you later. ;)

Davy: The way he looks, he may never come down. :D

Micky: *waves a hand in front of Peter's face* Uh huh, yeah, he's gone. ;)

Emma: Well, he just saved his best friends, encouraged a playboy to lead a more productive life, and got married to a beautiful heiress! He DESERVES to be on Cloud Nine! :)

Bert: Peter?

Bob: Pete?

Mike: (Nudges Peter - he just stares, sighs, and goes back to looking dreamily at the celing) He'll get back to you someday, guys. ;)

Micky: I get the feeling he really didn't have to show up here just yet. ;)

Peter: (Sighs) It was great. We went for walks in the woods and on the mountains, and we spent time together, playing music in the cabin. :)

Mike: Well, you guys have been there for almost a month. I should hope you had a good time. ;)

Peter: It was the best time I ever had. Valerie's so wonderful. She's so elegant and smart and sweet and witty and strong. (Sighs) What's a guy like me doing with a girl like her?

Mike: Lovin' her, Pete. :)

Micky: Darn right, man. :)

Emma: Peter, you've more than proved yourself worthy of her and everyone. :)

Peter: She likes me, and she likes me just the way I am, peace and love and all. :X

Davy: And you don't try to force 'er into things she don't want to do. She ain't a conventional 'eiress, just like you ain't a conventional musician. :)

Peter: (Nods) She said she didn't think she was worthy of ME. Almost blew me away! I couldn't believe it! (Sighs) I'm going to teach her rock and folk piano pieces when we've settled into the Montgomery House, and I promised I'd give her and Chrissy guitar lessons. My thanks to Chrissy for helping with the wedding! :)

Mike: Man, we ought to give that kid a medal or somethin'. She was almost as much of a hero as Pete.

Davy: Dumpin' the punch on Shelia alone would probably qualify the girls for at least a presidential comission. ;)

Lauren: That was great. ;)

Peter: Chrissy told me they were disapointed with that. They seriously thought she'd melt when they got her wet. ;) :)

Micky: If only it was that easy. ;)

Bert: So, Shelia's around for good?

Emma: (Sighs) As we mentioned in the last set, she's now our equivalent of Darth Vader or Shredder - our regular villian. (Grins) However, we'll be getting a new addition starting next month. Lauren can tell you more about that. ;)

Lauren: *grins* Well, I don't want to spill too much, but we've actually encountered him before, in a way. ;)

Peter: (Frowns) Uh oh. :(

Micky: *groans* Oh, great, another whackjob. :P

*Lauren snorts.* ;)

Mike: Well, that narrows it down to about thirty or forty villians. ;)

Peter: Thirty-eight. We helped Marcovich and Ronnie!

Lauren: But, technically, we haven't faced him, either. ;)

Micky: She's talking in riddles. That is NOT a good thing. :P

Lauren: I don't wanna give away too much. ;)

Mike: I'm almost afraid to ask what you girls have in mind for next month.

Emma: Oh, we've been planning this one for a LONG time. ;)

Lauren: VERY long time. I can't wait! ;)

Micky: *gulps* Oh-kay, I'm scared now... :P

Davy: I'm almost afraid to ask, but 'ow long? :p

Emma: Since last fall, around the time we were coming up with more ideas for the third story arc. ;)

Lauren: Yup. Some ideas practically BEGGED to be worked on for months. ;)

Micky: Couldn't you tell those ideas to shut up or something? :P

Emma: Both this story and the next one are the result of a series of brainstorming chats done in October, November, and January. :D

Peter: Is THAT what you girls do on those chats?

Lauren: *grins* Yup! ;)

Mike: They come up with ways to torture us. :p

Emma: Yup. ;) :D

Micky: No kidding. *pouts* Dare I asked who gets tortured in the next one?

*Lauren just looks around innocently.*

(Emma just chuckles and winks at Lauren. ;) :D >:) )

Emma: Let's put it this way. Except for the finale, the next one's on Lauren. ;)

Micky: Awe, shit, I'm in trouble...

Peter: Aw, you'll be ok, Micky! I survived! :D

Lauren: *big grin* Oh, I'm gonna SO enjoy this next one! :D ;)

Davy: When do I get put through the ringah? :p

Emma: Actually, we're going to have some fun with you next too, Dave. ;)

Lauren: And you get the one after it. ;)

Davy: Shit, we're BOTH in trouble! :p :o

Micky: Okay, I'm gonna leave now... :P

Mike: (Crosses his arms) Couldn't be any worse than gettin' split in half. :p

Lauren: Ohhh... *grins at Mike's comment* ;)

Emma: You'd be surprised, honey. ;)

Micky: Uhhh... :-O

Peter: Uh oh. :o :(

Micky: I don't like this one bit.

Mike: I ain't crazy about it, either. Like what happened in this story wasn't enough!

Peter: I got turned into a dog again...and look at what Ronnie did to my cheek with the scissors! (Shows everyone - and the camera - the slightly faded but still visible scar.) I went to the doctor, and he says while it won't be as nasty as the scars on Mike's arm and shoulder, it's not going to go away, either. :(

Mike: Maybe you should have pressed charges on that bastard of a rich twerp. X(

Peter: Shelia...she encouraged him. She wanted him to hurt me. :( :((

Davy: Soften ya up so she could con you into joinin' 'er.

Micky: Typical. :P

Peter: I wouldn't join her! I would have told her that if she'd taken the gag off. I really don't care about being famous, and Valerie's making the Montgomery House into a nice home for us, so we can be close to you guys, but have our own space.

Mike: Yeah, Zero made that same mistake.

Davy: She really barked up the wrong tree with Petah. ;)

Lauren: That's for sure. ;)

Peter: I just...(sighs)...I get afraid for you guys and Valerie. You're like my second family.

Emma: We're ALL scared for each other, Peter, as well we should be. Shelia's done her level best to separate the lot of us.

Micky: No kidding. :P

Mike: Yeah, but she's shorthanded now. She ain't got Zero to back her up, or a whole neighborhood full of friends and fellow musicians who are in the mood to party and don't care for devils. ;)

Lauren: *mutters* Well, now, I wouldn't say that... ;)

Peter: Did anyone ever wake up Nyles? I think he slept through the wedding! ;) :p

Micky: Whoops! I knew we forgot something. ;)

Mike: Poor guy is probably still passed out under the buffet with those two bottles of champagne. ;)

Davy: 'E 'ad a LOT of fun. ;)

Micky: Yeah, he was so happy under there! ;) :D

Bert: How did it feel to do the wedding scene?

Emma: I wouldn't know. I was only in half of it. I missed most of the good stuff in this story! :p

Mike: Not only are you pregnant, darlin', but you're recoverin' from the LAST story. The last thing any of us want is for that witch to get her hands on you and our girl again! :p

(Emma grumbles and sticks her tongue out at her husband)

Peter: I loved it! I've never made a dramatic entrance like that before! :D

Mike: Yeah, like I said earlier, we owe you one big-time, Pete. Those guys were about to wrap me up and sell me to the zoo or somethin'.

Micky: I loved it, too! :D ;)

Emma: (Mutters) Or give you to Shelia as a birthday present. :p

Davy: I 'ad a great time doin' the weddin'. Man, we 'ad watah balloons flying everywhere and record-breakin' burps on the intercoms and kittens runnin' this way and bridesmaids runnin' that way. That ended up bein' one of the best parties I ever went to. :D

Mike: You ain't the only one who thinks that way. The Martians are already asking when they can help party and save the world again. ;)

Davy: So's the Abbies and Ambah. Daphne wants to get a bettah shot at Shelia this time, with somethin' 'arder than a pillow. ;)

Lauren: And there's Micky's dress... ;)

Davy: Oh, yes, the dress.

Peter: Micky was in a dress? I didn't think the party needed a chaperone!

Micky: *grins* Not quite, Pete. ;)

Lauren: *shakes her head* I have to admit, I gave him the idea for it. *sighs* He was looking through my pictures. :P He was wearing a red & black dress, with a red boa. He was ready to tango! ;)

Micky: And I did tango! Or at least tried to. ;)

Davy: The tango weren't so bad. (Grins) And the look on those snobby guests' faces when we came out, 'alf drunk and one of us dressed like a cartoon's idea of a Spanish flamenco dancah, were priceless! ;)

Peter: Oh, man, and I missed all this, too? :p

Mike: Ah, it was mostly just us goofin' around. Shoulda seen me and John play with hats. ;)

Bert: Anything changing between stories this month?

Emma: We're going to try to finally get to adding at least the profiles and possibly the glossary this month.

Lauren: Yup. We've already got the revamped listing of the stories. I'm trying to think of some neat graphics to make for the site. Spruce it up a bit. :)

Emma: And we've both got "Dream World" prose stories we didn't get to during the holidays and the nasty weather in January. Don't know how far we'll get on those. February is a busy month for both of us, and we're planning to begin the next story set early.

Bert: Obvious question - what was your favorite part of the story?

Emma: Getting to see Peter and Valerie finally get married. :)

Micky: *grins* Rescuing Lauren. :)

Mike: Goofin' off before and after the party. ;)

Lauren: Seeing Micky in that dress. ;)

Peter: Swinging in and saving Valerie. :X :D

Davy: Seein' the looks on the guests faces when Micky showed up in that dress. ;)

Bob: Hey, Mike, how did it feel to be four years old again?

Mike: I don't remember everythin' that happened (grins) but I do remember havin' a good time. ;)

*Micky grins.* ;)

Emma: Baby, I'm glad you had a good time. Just don't get Mick so mad he decided to use his powers on you again, huh? You were a cute four-year-old and I hope you learned how to enjoy life (sighs) but I missed you a lot. :X

Mike: You really missed me, huh? :)

Emma: Except for when you were being stubborn about going to bed. :p

Mike: What, me, stubborn? Never. ;) :D

(Emma rolls her eyes.)

*Micky snorts.* :P

Emma: If you're that stubborn at four, I'm almost afraid to ask what our child will be like. (Makes a face and rubs her stomach) You stay out of this, young lady! :p

Mike: Yup, she's our kid. Gotta get in her two cents. ;)

Emma: More like her two hundred dollars. :p

Micky: That's more like it. ;)

Peter: (Grins) Oh, you guys are all invited to our big housewarming party when the Montgomery House is finished next month! Everyone is, the Martians and the Giants and the Abbies and Tilly, too. :)

Mike: And Nyles, if we can rouse him. ;)

Micky: Good luck. ;)

Emma: Sounds like fun, Peter. :)

Lauren: Wouldn't miss it for the world! :)

Peter: I can't wait for you to see the Montgomery House! It looks so nice now! They did a great job. Everything's been cleaned up and painted, and all the furniture they couldn't fix has been replaced with similar pieces. :)

Davy: That's groovy, Petah! :)

Peter: (Shakes his head) I can't believe it, our own home, with our own bandstand and equipment... :) :X

Mike: Maybe we'll be able to chase all the bad spirits leftover from Shelia and Zero's occupation away. :)

Peter: I'm sure we will! It'll be a happy place again, full of laughter and people. :)

Micky: If they haven't been by Peter alone already. ;)

(Everyone chuckles. Peter blushes. :">)

Mike: If Shelia can't get to Pete, no bad spirit has a chance. ;)

Peter: Oh, man... :">

Bert: You and Valerie planning on having a family, Peter?

Peter: Oh, yes! That was one of the first things we decided after we got engaged. We'd love to have children, someday! We've loved taking care of the twins, and Valerie has Chrissy. :)

Mike: How's Chrissy handling all this?

Peter: She likes me, and I like her, so she seems to be ok about it. I think she was just excited about being in the wedding and didn't think of what was going to happen afterwards. :)

Davy: (Nods at Micky and Lauren) 'Ey, 'ow are you two doin' aftah all of this, especially Lauren?

Lauren: I'm okay. I don't remember too much of what happened.

Peter: Valerie says she doesn't, either.

Micky: She doesn't remember trying to claw me, either. ;) :P

Mike: Probably just as well. :p

Lauren: I wouldn't do that! Well, not on purpose, or with intent to harm. ;)

Davy: Lauren, you did claw Micky, and I think you at least 'ad some intent to 'arm. :p

Lauren: I didn't do it knowingly. :P

Micky: Must've been part of Shelia's muddling. She tried to turn you against me to deter me from saving you. :P

Emma: (Clenches her fists) Ooooohhh, when I get my hands on this woman after I have this baby... X(

Mike: Don't worry, Em. I'll get to her first. X(

Lauren: Then us. *points at herself & Micky*

Peter: I wish she'd leave us alone. :(

Mike: Fat chance. She's hell-bent on having us for slaves. :p

Peter: Not all of us! She wants Micky and me to collect souls for her. :(

*Micky makes a face.* :P

Davy: If she wants Petah and Micky to collect and Mike in bed, wot does she want wit' me?

Emma: (Makes a face) Back up for Mike. :p

Lauren: I was gonna say "Don't ask." :P

Davy: I wouldn't sleep wit' that witch if she 'ad me undah a 'undred spells...and Daphne would kill 'er and ask questions latah if she tried gettin’ me in bed! :p

Peter: (Quietly) Valerie and I went to Ursula at the MonkeeCave before I came here and she went to do something downtown. Ursula did send us those dreams. She said she wanted to help us get back together.

Peter: She thought sending images of me and my music in dreams would jolt Valerie's memory.

Peter: According to her and to Valerie, Shelia did her best to sabotage the dreams. She'd have my face or Valerie's face so shadowed we couldn't be recognized, then show up and separate us. :(

Mike: Oh, man, buddy.... :p :(

Peter: I'm scared. What if she tries to separate us that way again? All of us? :(

Mike: Then we kick her ass again, with our without the neighbors. Even she can only be in so many places at one time. :p

Micky: And keep kicking her ass until she moves on. :P

Davy: We've done it once, we can do it again.

Mike: We'll protect you, our children, our friends, and our town.

Emma: Yeah...(sighs and rubs her stomach again)

Peter: And we'll get more gigs. Maybe we could travel again after Emma has her baby. :)

Davy: Yeah, we ain't gone anywhere out of California in ages, or gotten any out of state jobs in a while, eithah. :)

Lauren: It'd be fun to travel a bit again. :)

Mike: And to get some new gigs. We'll stick to the Club Fairview gig for now, but it is startin' to feel kinda stale. There's a lot of new blood comin' in, and we've got to keep up with the times.

Emma: I heard the Three Agents have already disbanded. :p

Peter: I should be able to get my teaching licence soon. :)

Mike: I'm workin' on some new songs to sell to the studios and to shop around to record companies. :)

Micky: I'm *holds his fingers as close together without touching as possible* this close to being a REAL architect! ;) :D

Lauren: Then I get to be his apprentice. ;) :D

Emma: Congradulations guys! :)

Micky: Thanks! :)

Davy: And this show I'm in might 'ave a shot at Broadway! It's openin' in Septembah, and I'm gonna try to get all of you tickets. :)

Mike: Groovy, everybody! :)

Emma: What's this show about, anyway?

Davy: A group of pirates capture a group of young women, but end up fallin' in love wit' them and allowin' them to 'elp defeat a band of even nastier pirates. :)

Micky: And which version of pirate will you be? ;)

Davy: Me? I'm the good guys, of course! ;)

Mike: Now, did you expect him to be a villian?

Davy: They don't get any of the good songs. ;)

Micky: *shrugs* Just thought I'd ask. ;)

Peter: Gee, I wish we could all be in the show! I bet it would be groovy to be in a real musical. I kind of wish we'd gotten to be in Baker's show in New York a few years ago.

Mike: Man, Pete, musical theater's a whole different world with different music!

Davy: Not always! They've got some rock musicals on the New York boards even as we speak!

Micky: Man, that'd be fun! :D

Peter: We could write all the songs and make them all fit in the show...

Mike: Or not fit and just play around them. ;)

Lauren: Not a bad idea. ;)

Emma: I'd love to be in a musical. I've loved musicals since I was twelve. :)

Lauren: I don't know about being IN one, but I'm sure there's something I could do. :)

Micky: I'll find ya something, babe. ;)

Lauren: Should that worry me? ;)

Emma: I'd just love to run around the stage and swing a sword. ;)

Davy: That's why I tried out for this musical! :D

Peter: Maybe we should work on some new songs for the Club Fairview, now that I'm back. :)

Mike: (Pulls Black Beauty back on his lap) I'm always up for workin' on music. ;)

Micky: Sure! *grabs his drumsticks*

Emma: Oh, and before we segway into our final romp, (to the camera) Happy Valentine's Day to all of our readers! We here at the Dream World series hope you get to spend the day with someone you love, whether it's a family member, a good friend, or a significant other. :)

Mike: Have a nice time, and watch out for devils. ;)

Micky: *waves* Bye!

Peter: (Grins) Hey, guys, I started a new song while Valerie and I were on our honeymoon. Wanna hear it? :)

Mike: Sure, buddy! :)

Micky: Yeah!

Peter: It's called "Gettin' In," and it goes like this. (He gathers his bass and plays for the group. One by one, the boys and Lauren gradually join him. He stands by Micky at the drums, both beaming. Emma watches the happy group with a sigh, patting her stomach. The scene fades out on the boys and Lauren playing happily together, Lauren and Micky grinning and teasing each other. :) :X )

(And we cut to "Tear the Top Right Off My Head" for the credits, shown over scenes from the "production," which ends with a still of the entire group and the words "A Raybert Production.")